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Existing BSAP follow up

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1 Existing BSAP follow up
Baltic Sea Action Plan Index of Actions Overview of implementation of the BSAP Name Surname

2 Current follow-up of BSAP
Current overview of implementation (2013): a coherent list of actions from the BSAP and the 2010 HELCOM Ministerial Declaration. Issues: some actions lack clear targets and deadlines some actions lack agreed follow-up reporting not clear how the overall description of progress is concluded the overall progress is difficult to overview (long document) Secretariat IG PoM, 21 August 2014

3 Proposed steps for developing the follow-up system
1) Scrutinize the existing list of actions and separate broad statements from concrete actions that can be followed up 2) Categorize the list into: different types of actions (e.g. measures to reduce pressures, spatial measures, actions to influence international regulations, development of guidelines, improve knowledge etc.) level of implementation (national, regional) Secretariat IG PoM, 21 August 2014

4 Proposed steps for developing the follow-up system
3) Develop a reporting system that is based on agreed indicators, follow-up questions and aggregation rules. Two systems are proposed: a) Implementation of actions - simple indicator-based follow-up, short-term goal b) Measured/anticipated results of implemented actions – detailed follow-up, longer-term goal Secretariat IG PoM, 21 August 2014

5 Proposed steps for developing the follow-up system
4) Develop the presentation of results A simple overview of implementation of actions (e.g. traffic light table) A susbstantive presention of measured results of the implemented actions (e.g. fact sheets) Example from WWF report on implementaiton of BSAP Name Surname

6 Assessment of accomplishment
Simple cases: Action: Carrying out an assessment (e.g. Red list assessment) Regional: Yes/No Action: Ratification of a protocol National: Yes/No Regional: Accomplished - all countries have implemented the action Partly accomplished - some countries have implemented the action Not accomplished - no country has implemented the action Name Surname

7 Assessment of accomplishment
Examples: Name Surname

8 Proposed categories of actions
a. Measures [directly aimed at reducing pressures or improving the state of the environment] Reduction of pressures Spatial protection Restoration/Reintroductions of habitats and species HELCOM Recommendations that require implementation through measures Joint actions with the aim of influencing international regulations b. Management coordination [aimed at establishing joint HELCOM principles for coordinated management of the marine environment] HELCOM Recommendations not included under Measures Plans, guidelines and manuals Assessment tools Classification systems, reporting systems Follow-up/assessments of agreed actions and plans Name Surname

9 Proposed categories of actions
c. Monitoring and assessment [the implementation of] Monitoring and surveillance Assessments d. Data and information Data Databases e. Knowledge Promotion of research Reviews and evaluations Development of supporting information [e.g. modelling] Name Surname

10 Time table Follow-up implementation of actions;
Proposal developed by the Secretariat, including when necessary new indicators, by end of GEAR, IG PoM and timely HELCOM WG meetings to be consulted during the development phase, Endorsement of the revised follow-up system by appropriate HELCOM WGs and HoD, possibly through intersessional communication, during 1st Q 2015, Contracting Parties to update implementation of BSAP actions using the simple indicator-based follow-up system during 2nd Q 2015, (based on update 2013 reporting) Endorsement of results during 3rd Q 2015. Name Surname

11 Time table Detailed follow-up of measures taken and results of implemented actions; initiate the development of such system as soon as agreed, relevant HELCOM WGs to identify actions that are relevant to follow-up from point of “results” of measures, Secretariat/HELCOM WGs to develop templates for reporting sheets. Step-wise process; to cover as many action areas as possible by 2016/2017[?]. Name Surname

12 Secretariat IG PoM, 21 August 2014

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