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Changing Waters: Adaptation and Resilience and the Navajo Nation

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1 Changing Waters: Adaptation and Resilience and the Navajo Nation
Header text if required. Max 2 lines. To amend/delete cllick View >> Header & Footer>> Notes & Handouts tab Changing Waters: Adaptation and Resilience and the Navajo Nation Albuquerque, NM January 12, 2012 Footer text if required. Max 2 lines. To amend/delete click View >> Header & Footer>> Notes & Handouts tab

2 It is about the People.

3 It is about the People.

4 Unemployment Rates

5 Per Capita Income

6 Navajo Nation Perspective
The lack of infrastructure, the lack of economic development and the sustained poverty are closely connected. Families can not find their livelihoods here. Climate Variability is making things tougher.

7 Colorado River Basin Allocates 50,000 acre-feet of consumptive use to Arizona in Upper Basin Apportions water to the Upper Basin States: Colorado % New Mexico 11.25% Utah % Wyoming % Note: The Hydrologic Determination in 1989 shows the Upper Basin as having a firm yield of 6.0 million acre-feet per year once downstream Compact delivery obligations are accounted for.

8 Recent Changes in Average Annual Temperature for the Navajo Nation
Changes in Average Annual Temperature for the Navajo Nation (Degrees F) Location Historic Recent (Since the 1960's) ( ) Chinlee, AZ 51.6 55.5 Farmington, NM 53.9 Lees Ferry, AZ 62.2 64.0 Tuba City, AZ 55.0 58.1 Shiprock, NM 53.3 56.3 Wupatki, AZ 57.3 58.8




12 Regional Navajo Projects


14 April 3, 2009 3:00 pm, Windstorm, Tuba City

15 May 20, 2009 Windstorm, Red Mesa

16 Kayenta, AZ 2004 How do you adapt to this?

17 A layer of dust on Mount Sopris in Colorado’s Elk Range in 2007
A layer of dust on Mount Sopris in Colorado’s Elk Range in What’s the connection? Source: National Snow and Ice Data Center/Penn Newhard as presented by Morgan Phillips, Colorado Climate Center

18 Kayenta AZ, September 2003

19 Is There a Sense of Urgency?
Education Tribal Programs Tribal Leadership Tribal Members Non-Tribal Partners Strengthen Tribal Programs Support Natural Resource Programs Climate Networks Drought Response and Mitigation Watershed Programs

20 Is There a Sense of Urgency?
Demonstration Projects Dune Stabilization Watershed Restoration Land Use Management Impact Assessments Impacts of the Colorado River Basinwide Study What will it conclude? Will it result is useful recommendations? Will it result in useful actions?


22 It is about the People.


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