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Stream Crossing Replacement Policy

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1 Stream Crossing Replacement Policy
Stream Crossing Bootcamp This Section – Bank Management In this section we will focus on the management of road banks. Stream Crossing Replacement Policy

2 Chap 7. Add. Policies 7.1 Stream Crossings Stream Crossing Replacement Policy – Section 7.1 of the Administrative Manual

3 Policy for replacing culverts and bridges.
Chap 7. Add. Policies 7.1 Stream Crossings Policy for replacing culverts and bridges. Applies to both D&G and LVR projects. Goal of the policy Limits replacements to areas where structure is causing problem with stream. Existing structures must be undersized and causing stream instabilities in relation to the bankfull width of the stream New structures must be sized to properly accommodate stream flow, bed load, and aquatic organisms (bankfull width)

4 Undersized Structures cause stream instability
Chap 7. Add. Policies 7.1 Stream Crossings Undersized Structures cause stream instability Gravel deposition upstream (constant “cleaning”) “Firehose effect” erosion downstream Often barriers to aquatic life -Trout Unlimited

5 Chap 7. Add. Policies 7.1 Stream Crossings BANKFULL WIDTH Bankfull Width: Width of channel at bankfull flow: typically when water begins to access floodplain and characterized by a 1-2 year event.

6 Chap 7. Add. Policies 7.1 Stream Crossings Existing Stream crossing structures with an opening of more than 13 ft2 ( equivalent to 48” diameter round pipe) In order to be eligible for replacement, EXISTING structures must: 1. Have a structure to bankfull width ratio of 75% or less. 2. Show signs of streambank erosion. 3. Show signs of streambed erosion/aggradation.

7 Chap 7. Add. Policies 7.1 Stream Crossings Existing Stream crossing structures with an opening of more than 13 ft2 ( equivalent to 48” diameter round pipe) In order to be eligible for replacement, EXISTING structures must: 1. Have a structure to bankfull width ratio of 75 % or less. 2. Show signs of streambank erosion. 3. Show signs of streambed erosion/aggradation.  The NEW REPLACEMENT structure must (all four): 1. Have a structure width at least equal to bankfull width (100% ratio). 2. Be properly aligned with the channel. 3. Consider additional floodplain connectivity when possible. 4. Be designed and constructed to accommodate the passage of aquatic organisms through the structure.

8 Chap 7. Add. Policies 7.1 Stream Crossings Existing Stream crossing structures with an opening equal to or less than 13 ft2 ( equivalent to 48” diameter round pipe) In order to be eligible for replacement, EXISTING structures must: 1. Have a structure to bankfull width ratio of 75% or less. 2. Show signs of streambank erosion. 3. Show signs of streambed erosion/aggradation. The NEW REPLACEMENT structure must (all four): 1. Have a structure width at least equal to bankfull width (100% ratio). 2. Be properly aligned with the channel. 3. Consider additional floodplain connectivity when possible. 4. Be designed and constructed to accommodate the passage of aquatic organisms through the structure.

Chap 7. Add. Policies 7.1 Stream Crossings PENDING ADMIN MANAL APPROVAL When does the Stream Crossing Policy Apply? Applies to situations where streams, including intermittent channels, with identified bed and banks are flowing into the road or uphill ditch. Contact the Commission for questionable circumstances. In order for exemptions on “questionable stream” channels, Districts must obtain written approval from the Commission prior to contracting the project. Use of Round Pipes Round pipes over 36” in diameter are not permitted for use in DGLVR funded stream crossings. Oval or squash pipes are acceptable.

10 Crossings that are not eligible for replacement
Chap 7. Add. Policies 7.1 Stream Crossings Crossings that are not eligible for replacement Program funds can NOT be used to replace the structure. This includes any materials, equipment, labor, engineering / consulting, etc. Maintenance is not an eligible expense. Including lining of existing crossings, bridge deck repair, etc. Can do work on road and stream around existing structure. Divert ditches from directly impacting the stream Drainage and base improvements on the road around the structure Streambank Stabilization Headwalls or endwalls on existing structure

11 Chap 7. Add. Policies 7.1 Stream Crossings Multiple pipes Existing stream crossings consisting of multiple pipes are eligible for replacement regardless of their relationship to the bankfull measurement (multiple pipes only, not multi-cell bridges). Installation of multiple pipe structures is NOT permitted with Program funds. Must be replaced with a single opening structure of at least bankfull width.

12 Details in manual, and recorded Webinar.
Chap 7. Add. Policies 7.1 Stream Crossings Details in manual, and recorded Webinar. Photo documentation Recommended! Site Info Site Evaluation: width considerations Site Evaluation: erosion considerations Appendix K in manual Eligibility Determination

13 All necessary permits must be obtained before work can begin.
Chap 8. Permits 8 Permits All necessary permits must be obtained before work can begin.

14 Stream Crossing Bootcamp
This Section – Bank Management In this section we will focus on the management of road banks. The District Process

15 The Initial Site Assessment The Grant Application The Contract
The District Process The Initial Site Assessment The Grant Application The Contract Municipal Bidding

16 The Initial Site Assessment
The District Process The Initial Site Assessment When the District first meets the applicant and their Stream Crossing… Is it eligible for Replacement?

17 The Initial Site Assessment
The District Process The Initial Site Assessment Stream Crossing Evaluation Form

18 The Initial Site Assessment
The District Process The Initial Site Assessment

19 The Initial Site Assessment
The District Process The Initial Site Assessment Consider the Required Opening Size of the Structure if Replaced by the Program… Does the applicant want to proceed? 20 foot Federal inspection requirement. Permits are required. Engineering will be required to some degree.

20 Stream Crossing Bootcamp
This Section – Bank Management In this section we will focus on the management of road banks. The Application

21 A Stream Crossing Application Requires…
The District Process The Application A Stream Crossing Application Requires… A Bankfull Width Structure Cost Estimate Structure Bedding Material Costs Stream Grade Control Costs Head/End Wall & Wing Wall Measurements & Cost Estimate

22 Determining Structure Costs
The District Process The Application Determining Structure Costs Quotes should include Delivery ?Assembly? Traffic Loading Get Multiple Estimates. Use the Highest Estimate for the Grant Application.

23 The District Process The Application Bedding Material Assume you will not recycle material from the excavation. Don’t over think this! Length x Width x Depth of Structure Cubic Feet / 27= Cubic Yards Cubic Yards x 1.5 = Tons Don’t Subtract for the Structure Opening Don’t Forget to Figure Pipe Bedding Depth Consider Road Cover

24 Material for Stream Grade Control
The District Process The Application Material for Stream Grade Control Must have it! Rip Rap Logs Baffles? Inside the Pipe and at the Inlet and Outlet.

25 Bypass Pumping Stream Flow Erosion Control
The District Process The Application Head/End Walls & Wings Bypass Pumping Stream Flow Erosion Control Stream Bed Material in the Pipe

26 The District Process The Application

27 What about Equipment… “Old Materials Standard” Actual Rental Costs
The District Process The Application What about Equipment… “Old Materials Standard” Actual Rental Costs

28 The District Process The Application

29 Labor… Could be Contractor Township Crews
The District Process The Application Labor… Could be Contractor Township Crews

30 The District Process The Application App slide

31 Engineering and Design
The District Process The Application Engineering and Design During the Application Phase you can budget up to 10% of grant requested funds towards engineering. This budget amount can go in the Labor Column. CAUTION: If the Contract Amount changes the Grant Budget for Engineering Expenses may change too.

32 The District Process The Application App slide

33 The District Process The Application QUESTIONS?

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