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Mr. Michael Petee Headquarters United State Special Operations Command

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Michael Petee Headquarters United State Special Operations Command"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Michael Petee Headquarters United State Special Operations Command
UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Headquarters United State Special Operations Command J4 Strategy Mr. Michael Petee HQ USSOCOM/J4

2 Agenda Logistics Policy Property Structure
Setting the Stage Logistics Policy Property Structure DPAS Implementation Approach and Milestones Wrap Up Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),

3 Setting The Stage USSOCOM J4 Vision: End State:
Become a data-first organization, driven by decision-quality data, that exceeds the speed of war End State: Develop an enterprise solution that supports accountability, auditability and financial reporting while seamlessly transacting with all customers and their respective accountability, maintenance and supply systems Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),

4 Component Property Lead (CPL)
J4 POLICY CONSTRUCT * : DoDAAC/Force Tree Mgt *700-11: Authorizations *700-12: Catalog *700-4: Maintenance 700-1 becomes *700-5: HQ Commandant Component Property Lead (CPL) USSOCOM 700-2, Policy Memo –>*700-1 Property (Retail) USSOCOM 700-2 SCOPE: accountable property, capitalized GE and/or PM inventory NOT intended to be fielded Commodity-based Inventory (Wholesale) USSOCOM 700-3 SCOPE: PM’s end-items, sub-assemblies and piece-parts that are intended be fielded USSOCOM USSOCOM AE (SOF AT&L APO Appointing Authority) PEO (Accountable Property Officer) PM (Property Administrator) Custodian Materiel Management Commodity-base PEO (appointing authority) designates a Materiel Manager Accountable Officer Location-based AE (appointing authority) designates PEO who delegates an Accountable Officer. One Accountable Officer per location; may serve multiple locations Can be the same person 700-x: Current *700-Italics: Proposed Organizational conflict; CAN’T be the same person

BASE CONTRACT MTL WHOLESALE INVENTORY SOF AT&L PM Managed Materiel Component/TSOC/Other Managed Materiel Retail Inventory Property DPAS-PA DPAS-WHSE Service APSR DPAS-WHSE DPAS-PA PEO SOFSA TBD Component/ TSOC/Other Acct Officer Environment SOF works in (where it's dark), PM PM

6 Often Overlooked, But Critical
Assumptions Everyone must approach implementation with a "can-do" attitude Avoid day-to-day operational interruptions during DPAS implementation No new, unique or additive processes or documentation DPAS is free… but system modification funding ensures SOF requirements are fast-tracked Often Overlooked, But Critical

7 Approach and Milestones
Setting the Stage Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),

8 Build Structure & Catalog Conduct Physical Inventory
DPAS Implementation Strategy Identify Scope Catalog Scrub Build Structure & Catalog Conduct Physical Inventory Perform DPAS Load Validate Data Maintain DPAS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DPAS Implementation done “right” Catalog scrub, making configuration management decisions Program SMEs are hip-to-hip with the inventory team so that materiel sorting and determination occurs real-time Repackaging materiel when appropriate, accurately recording SNs and completing daily reconciliations NOT storing obsolete materiel, storing the same materiel in multiple locations or storing items for DEMIL in DPAS. Schedule preservation is secondary to doing it "right"... not right now Strategy Requiring Clean Data and Accurate Inventories Drives Cost, Not the Tool

9 Status Planning/Scrub: 7 Months Training: 2 ea, 1 week; 1 week TTT
WEAPONS VAS Planning/Scrub: 7 Months Training: 2 ea, 1 week; 1 week TTT Test: 1 Week Inventory/Implementation: 2 Months

10 Wrap Up Setting the Stage Becoming a data-first organization, driven by decision-quality data, does not happen overnight; do not outsource your thinking DPAS implementation as both APSR and property management tool is unprecedented but not impossible with vision, planning, buy-in, and intestinal fortitude with vision, planning, buy-in, and intestinal fortitude Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),

11 Mr. Michael Petee Headquarters United State Special Operations Command
UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Headquarters United State Special Operations Command Enterprise Analytics Environment (EAE) Mr. Michael Petee HQ USSOCOM/J4

12 Agenda Purpose Problem Statement Timeline Setting the Stage
Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),

13 Purpose Provide SOF AT&L PM & PSM with objective sustainment data and associated analysis and recommendations for PM consideration and execution Identify programmatic opportunities to (a) reduce increasing sustainment Operations & Maintenance (O&M) costs, in order to (b) re-purpose O&M cost savings/avoidances into RDT&E funding for new warfighter materiel investments Develop SOF AT&L capability to report ‘SOF Sustainment Readiness” to the HQ USSOCOM Commander Identify standard readiness metric(s) for SOF AT&L programs Candidate: Readiness Reportable Equipment, On-Hand (DRRS-S) Candidate: Materiel Availability (Am) Candidate: Capability Fielding Schedule/Cost Assessment Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),

14 Problem Statement Purpose Problem Statement Timeline
Setting the Stage SOF AT&L requires the capability to: Collect objective sustainment and readiness data across the portfolio of SOF programs; Cleanse sustainment data for effective use; Apply standard sustainment and readiness metrics across the SOF portfolio (as applicable); Analyze sustainment strategies for performance; and Provide recommendations for optimizing each program’s sustainment strategy to right-size O&M budgets Enterprise Analytics Environment (EAE) Provide SOF AT&L Decision Makers with objective, data-driven decision- making information, via program analytics and recommendations Purpose Problem Statement Timeline Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),

15 Projected Timeline Setting the Stage
Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),

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