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Update on WGE and Convention issues

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1 Update on WGE and Convention issues
35th Meeting of the Programme Task Force ICP on Effects on Materials, Historic and Cultiral Monuments Paris, April Update on WGE and Convention issues Isaura Rábago Chair of the WGE

2 Latest news from CLRTAP meetings:
35th ICP on Effects on Materials & Historic and Cultural Monuments Latest news from CLRTAP meetings: 4rd joint EMEP/WG meeting (September 2018) 38th EB meeting (December 2018) EMEP/WGE Bureau meeting (March 2019) Topics addressed: Long Term Strategy (See Follow-up Workplan New CCE-UBA Germany Mandates Financial issues LifeWatch – ERIC NEC Directive and CLRTAP (November 2018)

3 EB decision 2018/5: Long Term Strategy
Long-term strategy for the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution for 2020−2030 and beyond II. Strengths and successes of the Convention A multi-pollutant multi-effect approach; a unique geographical scope; scientific tools to support policy making; established a robust system of emission inventories and modelling and monitoring activities, regular review of achievements….. III. Remaining challenges - Ozone, PM, N, S, POP, HM - From Long Range transboundary to the urban scale - Need for communication on the need for further action (scientific evidences of impacts, policy efficiency…)

4 EB decision 2018/5: Long Term Strategy
IV. Strategic priorities of the Convention Maximizing its impact by meeting the objectives of the three most recent protocols as amended (ratification and implementation) Improving the scientific and technical basis to better assess progress in improving air quality and reducing human health impacts and materials and ecosystem effects will help to ensure that policymaking remains evidence-based and effective. The Parties should maintain or extend their monitoring networks, including ecosystem and material monitoring…air pollution…. TF-IAM should assess the health, materials and ecosystem impacts of measures taken on various geographical scales in order to identify appropriate multi-scale abatement strategies. Enhance efforts in their communication activities to raise awareness of the compelling environmental, health and economic rationale for action on air pollution

5 Follow-up Workplan ICP/TF activities reported to the EB (December 2018) ICP- Materials WP item Activity description/objective Expected outcome/ deliverable Resource requirements 1.1 Improving tools to assess air pollution and its effects in the ECE region 1.1.1 Monitoring and modelling tools Monitoring and assessment of the impact of the environment on corrosion and soiling effects on materials as well as their trends Report on the trend exposure programme : Technical Manual (2018). Corrosion and soiling data (2019) Covered by Italy, Sweden and recommended contributions Gathering information on policy-relevant user friendly indicators to evaluate air pollution effects on materials by conducting case studies on UNESCO cultural heritage sites Call for data on UNESCO sites: Report on risk assessment (2018). Report on economic evaluation (2019)

6 Follow-up Workplan ICP/TF activities reported to the EB (December 2018)

7 Follow-up Workplan ICP/TF activities reported to the EB (December 2018)

8 Follow-up Workplan 2018-2019 ICP – Modelling & Mapping:
New Coordinating Center for Effects: CCE-UBA Germany New chair of the ICP-M&M: Alice James (INERIS, France) transition year Adapt existing IT Infrastructure and software at the UBA to fulfill data handling tasks of the CCE Develop framework and skills to improve the information exchange between CCE and NFCs Start work with the ICP M&M and collaboration with other ICPs 2019 Operationalize CCE-UBA Germany as Programme Center of the ICP-M&M

9 Follow-up Workplan ICP – Waters

10 Follow-up Workplan 2018-2019 WGE Portal 1.4.3 Develop a common Portal
To present WGE as a single entity, and the official portal to access WGE information and data– also for the groups outside the Convention. A common webpage will facilitate further integration and collaboration between the ICPs and other subsidiary bodies under the Convention and groups outside the Convention. A common portal can facilitate better use of WGE data in integrated assessments, Air Convention, EU-Commission and national air pollution strategies. A portal for data access in line with the ambitions of the Convention

11 Follow-up Workplan WGE Portal

12 Process of Revision and update
Mandates 2016: Started the review of the mandates for EMEP Task Forces and Centres 2017: Started the review of the WGE ICPs, TF-Health and JEG Dynamic Modelling 2018: To be presented to the WGE/EMEP for acceptance, and to the EB for its approval Process of Revision and update Consistent with priorities of the Convention According to: Future Development of Effects-Oriented Activities (EB.AIR/WG.1/2000/4) Guidelines for reporting on the monitoring and modelling of air pollution effects (ECE/EB.AIR/2008/11; ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2008/16/Rev.1) Long-term Strategy for the CLRTAP (and PRG recommendations) Bi-annual workplans for the implementation of the Convention

13 Mandates Mandates: Adopted provisionally (with some amendments form the session, ECE/EB.AIR/2018/7) ICP – Waters ICP – Forests ICP – Vegetation ICP – Integrated Monitoring ICP – Materials TF – Health 2019: ICP – Modelling & Mapping and CCE-UBA Germany JEG – Dynamic Modelling ??? (New Programme Center??)

14 Financing activities out of EMEP Protocol
2018 EB meeting Decided the international coordination costs for financing the core activities shall be US$ 2,152,700 in 2019 Adopted Decision 2018/8 on amendment to decision 2002/1 (Recognize the German Federal Environment Agency as the CCE for the ICP-M&M) Approved the contributions from LifeWatch ERIC to the core activities

15 Financing activities out of EMEP Protocol

16 Financing activities out of EMEP Protocol
35% Trust fund 65% in kind Budgeted

17 Financing activities out of EMEP Protocol

18 LifeWatch - ERIC September: WGE Decided to propose a collaboration with LifeWatch ERIC to the EB (common interests and possibility of financing activities) September-December: options for agreement CLRTAP-LifeWatch December: Approved the proposal of collaboration (Letter of collaboration. Signed on December 2018) To date Waiting for the (inminent ??) call for action Start working: Defining the scope and activities of collaboration Tools that LifeWatch could provide to modelers and data administrators: Next steps Identify possible activities to be included in the next workplan Once the call is published: define the participation in the projects administrative procedure to get the funding

19 EU: NECD - Ecosystem Monitoring
2017: Close cooperation with the COM to produce the Guidance document 2018: No interactions with experts from the commission for 1 year. New team at the COM November: Expert meeting- subgroup ecosystem monitoring ICPs and CLRTAP as observers Firts analysis of the data submitted by MS in July (contract with WUR) /03/2019 : COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION Commission Notice on ecosystem monitoring under Article 9 and Annex V of Directive (EU) 2016/2284 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants (NEC-Directive) (2019/C 92/01) 2nd April - Ecosystem Monitoring Subgroup meeting How to deal with technical questions from EU Member states? Next Steps ?? UE as Party to the Convention: Participation at the ICPs (Ideas for technical collaboration?)

20 Next Steps Results: 2018-2019 workplan
Define the activities for the next workplan ICP Materials Common activities with other ICPs/TF and EMEP groups WGE Portal: ICP-Materials contributions Proposal: ICP-Materials Official Document for 5th Joint EMEP/WGE meeting ?? With RUS/FR translation The WORD doc should not exceed 10,700 words (about 15 pages) The deadline for submission to the secretariat: 20 June 2019.


22 Working Group on Effects

23 Working Group on Effects
Thank you to all ICPs/TFs colleagues !

24 Thank you for your attention
35th Meeting of the Programme Task Force ICP on Effects on Materials, Historic and Cultiral Monuments Paris, April

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