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ADVANCES IN TECHNOLOGY What did we do before emailing and Google? Library access online ATT Family Map/GPS Social Media-Facebook Revolution in Egypt Skyping.

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Presentation on theme: "ADVANCES IN TECHNOLOGY What did we do before emailing and Google? Library access online ATT Family Map/GPS Social Media-Facebook Revolution in Egypt Skyping."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADVANCES IN TECHNOLOGY What did we do before emailing and Google? Library access online ATT Family Map/GPS Social Media-Facebook Revolution in Egypt Skyping Iphones, Ipads: Theres an App For That (No Fear Shakespeare, Flashcards, Spanish Tutor) Cell Phones, Texting, Sharing Photos, Multimedia Messages

2 MISUSE OF TECHNOLOGY E-Mail for harassment, spreading rumors, cons Impersonation Chat rooms Creating false facebooks Sexting YouTube, other videos Camera Phones used to send embarrassing pics

3 Definition CYBERBULLYING, according to Sameer Hinduja and Justin Patchin, cyberbullying experts and authors of Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard: Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying, cyberbullying can be defined as...the intentional and repeated act of causing harm to others through the use of computers, cell phones and other electronic devices. From their website, Cyberbullying Research Center, cyberbullying is when someone repeatedly makes fun of another person online or repeatedly picks on another person through email or text message or when someone posts something online about another person that they dont like.

4 Cyberbullying Harmful Effects: – Isolation/Loneliness – Depression – Changes in Eating – Insomnia, Nightmares – Reluctance/refusal to attend school – School difficulties – Self Esteem Issues – Anxiety, Fear – Anger, Frustration

5 Ghyslain Raza: Star Wars Kid April 14, 2003, Canada Video sent around the world in 80 minutes Viewed 900 million times Suffered devastating peer ridicule and humiliation, dropped out of school Family filed $250K lawsuit – Settled out of court Required hospital therapy 2011, Working, Law School re-are-they-now-the-star- wars-kid-2010-5

6 Cyberbullicide Ryan Halligan, 2003, Vermont, bullied over time, humiliated online, laws and public eye In Texas, 9 yr. old, at school Megan Meier, 13, 2007. Impersonation on Facebook. Lori Drew charged. Tyler Clementi, 18, 2010, Rutgers, sexual encounter streamed. Phoebe Prince, 2010, Mass. mean girls Alexis Pilkington, 17, 2010, NY, posts continued after death Hinduja and Patchin Cyberbullying – Internet amplifies, magnifies embarrassment, humiliation, impact of threatening messages – Stressors, current social, emotional or academic, already present, can be exacerbated by the effects – Tragic consequences of ignoring cyberbullying – No tolerance – Bystanders become part of solution – Need to share information – Suicide prevention programs, age appropriate, essential

7 Cyberbullying and the Law State Legislatures React *44 with bullying laws 11 are updating laws 6 use cyberbullying *31 use electronic harassment *7 have criminal sanctions *39 have school sanctions *44 require school policy Hinjuja and Patchin Federal Law Pending Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act

8 What can be done? Boundaries, balance, bystanders >50 hours a week Cyberetiquette: Golden Rule, Traceable, Non-Emotional, Safety (passwords, strangers), Appropriateness, Set Example Informed Supervision Talk, question, look for changes/distress Save evidence; dont delete, dont respond in kind Tell a trusted adult; work with schools and bystanders Dont take away access Hartwell-Walker (2010) Lohmann (2010)

9 Cyberbullying & Social Support Classify middle school and high school students into one of 4 categories: cyberbully, cyberbully victim, both, neither by assessment Assess whether students feel they have social support How does total social support compare between groups? Are more efforts to provide social support groups and opportunities needed in schools?

10 Sources Cyberbullying Research Center (2011). Retrieved February 13, 2011, from Hartwell-Walker, M. (2010). Cyberbullying and teen suicide, Retrieved from Hinduja, S., & Patchin J.W. (2009). Bullying beyond the schoolyard: preventing and responding to cyberbullying. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Lohmann, R.C. (2010). Cyberettiquette for teens. Retrieved February 13, 2011 from etiquette-teens Wei, W. (2010). Where are they now? The star wars kid. Retrieved February 13 from star-wars-kid-2010-5 PRESENTED TODAY BY P. HANCOCK

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