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How would altering a child's genetic code affect the way they are accepted into society Masha, Ella and Alexis.

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Presentation on theme: "How would altering a child's genetic code affect the way they are accepted into society Masha, Ella and Alexis."— Presentation transcript:

1 How would altering a child's genetic code affect the way they are accepted into society
Masha, Ella and Alexis

2 What is Gene Engineering?
GE is altering the DNA in a genome. You can change the DNA by altering the base pair. You might add another copy of a gene or delete a copy of a gene. Source: genetic-engineering

3 What are the benefits of Genome?

4 cultural, spiritual, or religious views

5 Should individuals have the right to choose for themselves, or does one decision count for everyone?
would take time and money to make it a regular thing. Individuals should have been able to make their own decisions and pay with their own money.  raising taxes to give everyone access to genome editing isn’t fair, since many people are against it and their taxes would be raised for no reason. Everyone should be able to make their own decision

6 What perspectives do groups with others cultural, spiritual, or religious views have?
Churches have had many conservative stances in this issue   leaders have compared researchers of bio-engineering to the Nazis that attempted to engineer Adolf Hitler's master race. Orthodox Christians and Protestants talk about how designer babies are not “full people”   destruction of people since they believe a life starts at birth. groups believe that this will destroy God’s human race and we will create one of its own.

7 Quote-8 The bible has an opinion on this
“Once again, Bible prophecy is exactly in line with world events. As science races to alter DNA and genetically modify babies, the potential to change the human race forever seems just a few years away. And as the Bible predicts, rather than being forced into these innovations, the world is paying top dollar to be the first to try them. Do not be deceived. Humans are born with various frailties and sicknesses because of sin. The sin of humanity has cursed this world with death and as a result all people suffer because all people have sinned. No technology can ever change that. No genetic alteration can bring forgiveness. Only faith in Jesus Christ can. Jesus came to Earth, as a human so that human beings could be saved from the punishment of Hell. Satan wants to seduce humanity into thinking they can become perfected, god-like beings who can live forever all based on their own ingenuity and strength. All so the Devil can corrupt the image of man further and bring them into rebellion against God ensure damnation for as many people as possible.” – “designer babies- playing God in the womb”, august 14, 2019 by Beginning and End

8 Masha’s links. f282ee05

9 Rights and Responsibilities

10 The doctors/ scientist
The doctors/ scientists getting horrible comments about them Everyday doctors and scientists are trying to find a cure to a disease so that people don’t have to suffer. But cures for things can take decades to discover, 

11 Parents who are choosing to go through with this process
if your child was in risk of dying would you just let them die? risk of being looked down upon by others who don’t believe in gene editing  Parents should have the right to want or give their kid a better life and better health.  if a parent has the opportunity to ensure their kids health, they should be able to do it  People believe that parents who are considering this option should be told all the facts

12 The kids who are products of this process
The designer babies themselves should have the right to live a normal life Everyone deserves to be happy and healthy, even if its through genome editing.

13 Religious peoples There are going to be people that don’t agree with altering nature and some religious countries might ban this practice and they should have the rights to do that.

14 Title of article: Genetic Engineering and Moral Responsibility
Article URL: source #2: Author of article: Bruce Small Article research: In this article it says that most of the arguments that people use against scientist that practice Genetic Engineering are more emotion driven then rational. It also says that humans grow up with cultures and are likely to adopt those culture when adults. Adults can stick with strong morals and values that they grew up with and that can change their views on things. Its also important that scientist thing about how their practices can affect people’s emotions. Some scientist believes that there are so many things that were morally unacceptable in the past but are except able now and also that some people might except one thing and another group of people will not accept it, so you can’t have both, each group just need to except each others views.

15 Title of article: U.S. Laws On Human Embryo Gene Editing Are Unexpectedly Lax
Article URL: source #3 Date article was published: July 28, 2017 Author of article: Rafi Letzter Article research: This article says that Gene Engineering is legal in the US since the FDA has not said its Illegal but its not funded by the FDA due to it being “simple laboratory research”. “Simple laboratory research on embryos that will never be implanted isn’t covered — and there’s no law directly preventing gene-editing them.”- Directly from source.

16 Title of article: Legality of 'Designer' Babies?
Article URL: source #4 Date article was published: December 07, :59 AM Author of article: Christopher Coble, Esq Article research: “Federal Trade Commission regulate genetic testing and research in the United States.”- directly from source. States that FDA has regulated something like GE (Genetic Engineering) but has not directly banned GE.

17 FDA on similar things to Genetic Engineering:
“List of FDA Draft Guidance on Genetic Tests LDT Draft Guidance Framework for Regulatory Oversight of Laboratory Developed Tests (2014) FDA Notification and Medical Device Reporting for Laboratory Developed Tests (2014) In 2017, FDA released a discussion paper on LDTs to provide an informal update to the guidance: Discussion Paper on Laboratory Developed Tests Next-generation sequencing (NGS) Draft Guidance Use of Standards in FDA Regulatory Oversight of NGS-Based In Vitro Diagnostics Used for Diagnosing Germline Diseases” *All from source #5

18 Alexis’ sources Source #1 source #2 source #3 source #4 source #5

19 Solution Conclusion There would be many views and opinions given by others on designer babies. It might be way harder for these children to into society. Some people have very strong opinions against genome editing from a religious and cultural standpoint. Genome editing can be taken advantage of to change the appearance and traits of your children. At school, these kids could have hurtful things said to them if people knew they were genetically modified, which could affect their mental state for the rest of their lives. Let’s say that you used genome editing to make your kid smarter, it would be considered unfair to the other kids in classes who try hard and still don’t succeed as much. Also, there may be religious kids and parents around who don’t support genome editing which could cause the designer baby to feel self conscious and have less friends because of religious judgement. If genome editing is used for health benefits, it will be a good thing, but mistakes will always be made. You can try making your kid smarter with this, but maybe their genes are different and they’ll just become more slow in some areas. The parents would also be affected since many judgments can be made based of their decision to modify their babies. This procedure will most likely be very expensive, which could also cause jealously between other families and the designer baby family. All in all, being a designer could possibly ruin opportunities for you, cause mental trauma from potential bullying and could make you stand out. But who knows, this might become extremely common and normal in the future.

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