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How Flies the Albatross The Flight Mechanics of Dynamic Soaring

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1 How Flies the Albatross The Flight Mechanics of Dynamic Soaring
J. Philip Barnes Sept 2013 Update / Nov 2004 Original It is my pleasure to share the discovery of how the albatross uses its dynamic soaring technique to remain aloft indefinitely on shoulder-locked wings over a waveless sea. Of course the albatross often catches a free ride along the front of a wave, just like the pelicans here in southern California, but waves travel much slower than the wind, and as we will show, the albatross travels overall downwind faster than the wind. Indeed, the albatross circumnavigates Antarctica several times per year, in as little as 46-days per trip. Only with dynamic soaring can the albatross fly so fast and far. Our presentation, How Flies the Albatross ~ the Flight Mechanics of Dynamic Soaring, will draw from several disciplines, primarily aerospace engineering, but also physics, mathematics, computer graphics, paleontology, photography, and even a little poetry, to observe what the albatross does, and understand how it does it, so that we may take greater interest in halting its slide toward extinction.

2 And a good south wind sprung up behind; And the Albatross did follow,
From The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner ~ Part the First And a good south wind sprung up behind; And the Albatross did follow, And every day, for food or play, Came to the mariners’ hollo! - Samuel Taylor Coleridge In “The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner,” the sailor shot the albatross with his crossbow, believing the albatross responsible for the ice-cold storm. This was unfortunate for both because, as the story goes, the albatross was “the bird that made the wind to blow.” Consequently, the ship drifted into the doldrums, and the crew perished from thirst. Today we are still shooting the albatross, in a manner of speaking. Our crossbows take the form of long-line fishing fleets, floating plastic at sea, and predators introduced to the remote islands where the albatross breeds. Whereas the albatross has graced our blue planet for 50 million years, we so-called “modern” humans appeared only recently, about 0.1-million years ago. Yet within just the last million years, many albatross species have lost half of their population on account of us.

3 Observations of Well-known Naturalists
“The albatross can maintain this swooping soaring flight for hours on end without a single wing beat.” David Attenborough “The albatross … manages to remain master of its own course, ...carried all the way around the globe or...making way against the strong winds without a beat of its wings.” Jacques Cousteau Well-known naturalists, including David Attenborough and Jacques Cousteau, have observed and documented how the albatross appears to defy the laws of physics. In this presentation, we will show how the albatross does these things while adhering, as it must, to the laws of physics.

4 Evolution and Dynamic Soaring
Archaeopteryx 150 Million Yr. Pteranodon 9-m wingspan Million yr. Osteodontornis 55-5 million yr. 6-m wingspan Wandering Albatross 3.5-m span Archaeopteryx was the feathered bird-dinosaur which lived 150 million years ago. Probably unable to sustain flapping flight, Archaeopteryx may have used its feathered wings to enable a gliding attack on its prey, and/or to enhance its running speed by developing flapping thrust (1). By around 100 million years ago, modern birds were well along their evolutionary path (2). An early albatross named Osteodontornis lived between 55 and 5 million years ago. This enormous seabird had a wingspan up to 6-meters. We may be surprised to learn that the ancestors of Osteodontornis likely shared the ocean skies with Pteranodon. With fossils often found far out at sea, and with chest muscles probably too small to sustain flapping flight, Pteranodon may have originated dynamic soaring, all with its little finger having evolved into the main spar of its wing. Today, 13 species of albatross grace our blue planet and carry forth the ancient skill of dynamic soaring. The Wandering albatross, the main subject of our study herein, has a 3.5-m wingspan, the largest of any living bird. (1) Phillip Burgers & Luis Chiappe, “The Wing of Archaeopteryx as a Primary Thrust Generator,” Nature, Vol. 399, 1999, p. 60 (2) Joel Carl Welty, “The Life of Birds,” Alfred A. Knopf, 1962, p. 483 (3) Adrian Desmond, “The Hot-blooded Dinosaurs,” Dial Press, 1976, p

5 “Tubenoses” Drink saltwater Nasal excretion Giant Petrel Southern
Fulmar Giant Petrel White Morph “Tubenoses” Drink saltwater Nasal excretion Other seabirds join the albatross in dynamic soaring, except when the wind falls below a threshold. The giant petrel, particularly its rare “white morph,” can easily be mistaken for an albatross at a distance. The “tubenose” seabird family, including the albatross, petrels, and fulmars, de-salinate ingested sea water, excreting the salt from their tubenose. Snow Petrel Painted Petrel

6 Giant Petrel (white morph)

7 Wandering Albatross

8 Royal Albatross

9 Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Shoulder Lock 1500 km/day Sleep on the wing 60-yr Life span Life-long mate Pinpoint Navigation Antarctic Circumpolar Current Breeding Site Islands Here’s an interesting view, looking up or down (?) at our spaceship Earth. The very thin line around the globe, a graphical artifact, closely represents the actual thickness of our air supply. Even including the depth of ocean, the so-called biosphere is not really a sphere; It’s really a thin and fragile veil, wrapped around the planet. Throughout the year, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, or ACC, sweeps around the continent, accompanied by a consistent howling and freezing wind, and on occasion hosting the largest waves on the planet. The northern and southern fronts of the ACC are marked by sharp changes in water temperature, salinity, and concentrations of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Roughly speaking, the wandering albatross rides the wind above the ACC, although it wanders considerably farther north or south. The albatross uses its dynamic soaring technique to travel perhaps 1500 km/day, and according to David Attenborough, often does so half asleep on the wing. That would include effortless terrain following over a heaving sea, and as we shall show later, pulling a 3-g turn every 10-seconds. As an adult, every other year the albatross navigates with pinpoint accuracy to the island where it was hatched and, with good fortune, meets or greets its life-long mate to raise a single chick. Initially, the chick has full-time supervision by one parent, but then for just over a year, the chick is left alone and fed every 5 days as each parent returns separately from a 10-day excursion. Then the chick is totally abandoned, and driven by hunger, it lifts off and quickly learns or instinctively implements dynamic soaring. On their maiden flight, many albatross fledglings have been seen to disappear over the horizon to begin their first decade totally at sea. Try locating New Zealand and South Georgia in the satellite photo above. 1-Chick every 2-yrs

10 Elephant Island South Georgia

11 Algebratross Geometry Math Model
Weight, 11 kg Wing span 3.5-m Wing aspect ratio, 16 Meet “Algebratross,” modeled with equations from beak to tail, and from wingtip to wingtip. Algebratross weighs 11 kg. Its 3.5-m wing has an aspect ratio of 16. As we shall see, high aspect ratio is essential to reduce drag during high-g turns associated with dynamic soaring.

12 Wandering Albatross

13 Port of Stanley Falkland Islands

14 Headwind & Tailwind, Groundspeed & Airspeed
headwind gust airspeed headwind gust = sudden increase in airspeed gust tailwind groundspeed airspeed tailwind gust = sudden decrease in airspeed This is the first of a series of charts intended to explain why the albatross climbs upwind and descends downwind. When pointed upwind, the albatross of course flies against a headwind. Should the bird encounter a sudden gust increasing the headwind, it would enjoy a sudden increase of airspeed. This would then constitute a sudden increase in flight kinetic energy since the latter is based on airspeed, and not groundspeed. When the albatross flies downwind, it flies of course with a tailwind. But here it will fly with about the same airspeed as before, so its groundspeed will be relatively high. If the albatross then encounters a sudden tailwind gust, its airspeed would be suddenly reduced. Conversely, if the albatross encounters a sudden reduction of tailwind, it will enjoy a sudden increase of airspeed. In either of the above cases, the groundspeed remains momentarily constant as the airspeed undergoes a sudden change. Groundspeed remains momentarily constant

15 90 km/hr Moonroof & Model Airplane
Wow! Now I understand dynamic soaring! Kinetic energy gain in a 2-step wind profile airspeed 90 km/hr groundspeed Let’s say we are driving our car at 90 km/hr with the moonroof open. Just beneath the moonroof we hold a model airplane. Although the model at this point is traveling at 90 km/hr it has no airspeed, and thus no usable kinetic energy, relative to the air in the car. Were we to let go of the model it would fall to the floor of the car. If, however, we were to raise the model just above the moonroof, it would suddenly gain 90 km/hr of airspeed and the corresponding amount of kinetic energy. Once released, the model would convert its newfound kinetic energy into potential energy by climbing high in the sky. Therefore, kinetic energy for flight must be based on airspeed, not groundspeed. Also, we have in effect applied a simple two-step finite model of the wind profile, and this reveals the essence of dynamic soaring: climbing against the wind profile converts the increase of windspeed to an increase of airspeed, thus providing a kinetic energy gain.

16 Energy Gain in the Wind Profile
Upwind ascent between layers Fixed groundspeed at crossing Suddenly-increased headwind Sudden airspeed gain Sudden kinetic energy gain Downwind descent between layers Fixed groundspeed upon crossing Suddenly-decreased tailwind Sudden airspeed gain Sudden kinetic energy gain The previous example represented a single-step wind profile. Here, we progress to a multi-step wind profile, where the albatross gains energy immediately upon upwind ascent into each faster wind layer, then losing a portion of its energy to drag within that layer. Upon reaching the top of the climb, the energy gain with dynamic soaring can offset the energy lost to drag. But the albatross must next turn and descend downwind. Will it now gain or lose energy? As it turns out, downwind descent provides gains in both airspeed and kinetic energy because the albatross encounters a decreasing tailwind upon descent into each lower and slower wind layer. Thus, in each new layer, it finds itself suddenly flying faster than the local airmass. Finally, at the bottom of its cyclic trajectory, the albatross flies briefly across then wind, thus losing energy to drag, but then it quickly turns and climbs back into the wind to repeat the cycle with a balanced energy budget. Once we understand that movement across a shear layer or wind gradient into an increasing headwind or decreasing tailwind yields an energy gain, we are in position to understand that dynamic soaring can also be accomplished, largely at fixed elevation, given a sufficient horizontal gradient of horizontal wind. Whereas the albatross must move vertically in accordance with the Dynamic Soaring Rule (DSR) to exploit as it does the vertical gradient of horizontal wind, an aircraft exploiting a horizontal gradient of horizontal wind must move horizontally in accordance with a "horizontal-equivalent" of the DSR. Such a gradient is found on a windy day at any fixed elevation surrounding a skyscraper, but perhaps more usefully at high altitude along the edge of the jet stream. Here, an aircraft might soar dynamically, largely at fixed elevation, by alternately gliding obliquely into and against the stronger wind, and then downstream obliquely into the weaker wind. Of course, we can also expect strong vertical gradients to reside at the top and bottom edges of the jet stream. Are sufficient gradients of either type available at high altitude? Only measurements will tell. Dynamic Soaring Rule - Ascend when partly or fully pointed upwind - Descend if partly or fully pointed downwind

17 Wind Profile and Gradient
u = windspeed V = airspeed z = elevation V=60 km/hr U = 25 km/hr Z = 20 m “Specific” energy E  V2/2 + gz Wind gradient, u’  du/dz u z Let’s now study a real, and continuous, wind profile. Although the “boundary layer” shape looks quite familiar, we may be surprised to learn that its height is perhaps 20-meters. With the wind profile now shown as continuous, we conclude that the albatross uses the local gradient (du/dz) of the wind profile to maintain dynamic soaring. Exchanging kinetic and potential energy in each zoom maneuver, the albatross flies 90 km/hr down along the water, and 60 km/hr at the top of the loop. By now, we see that dynamic soaring is somehow providing a thrust which overall offsets the drag. Let’s next quantify that thrust, which as you might expect, is determined by both the wind gradient (du/dz) and the orientation of the albatross, relative to the wind. 90 km/hr

18 Humpback Whale Antarctica

19 Maneuver Angles ~ Initial Orientation
We are now almost ready to quantify the forces associated with dynamic soaring. However, we must first review the maneuver angles. These will affect the quantity and direction of dynamic soaring forces. Lets first imagine that the albatross, before maneuvering, points directly upwind with wings level. At this point, we set the heading, pitch, and roll angles to zero. Wings level Point upwind u

20 Heading Angle (y) V y u Yaw Circle A A Horizontal plane
Next the albatross yaws off the wind to the heading angle (psi). This motion takes place within a horizontal yaw circle. After the yaw, the wingtips form a pitch axis A-A A u

21 Flight Path Angle (g) g V g y u Pitch Circle Vertical plane
The albatross and airspeed vector together pitch up to the flight path angle, gamma. This motion takes place within a vertical pitch circle. u

22 Roll Angle (f) f g V g y u Roll Circle Roll axis along V
Finally, the albatross rolls about the airspeed vector by the angle (phi). The wingtips sweep out a roll circle which is tilted at the angle (gamma). u Roll Circle Roll axis along V

23 Dynamic Soaring ~ Force Diagram
Isaac Newton f Dynamic Soaring Force Horizontal Vector Pointing upwind L F = m u = m (du/dt) = m (du/dz) (dz/dt) = m (du/dz) V sin g v D g y mu W=mg Dynamic Soaring Thrust u Now that the albatross has maneuvered into position, we show all the forces, including lift, weight, drag, and in particular, the dynamic soaring force which constitutes a central postulate of our method. As the albatross maneuvers, the presumed dynamic soaring force vector of magnitude (m du/dt) remains steadfastly level and pointed directly upwind against the local-layer windspeed (u). Since the wind profile is fixed, only by moving vertically within that wind profile can the albatross experience the rate (du/dt) and the corresponding dynamic soaring force. But during descent, (du/dt) is negative. Therefore, if the albatross descends directly downwind, the dynamic soaring force vector will in effect also point downwind, thus providing thrust. This is consistent with our earlier study herein of the effects of a changing headwind or tailwind, where we showed that an increasing headwind or a decreasing tailwind yields increased airspeed and thus increased flight kinetic energy. Both the weight (W=mg) and dynamic soaring force (F=m du/dt) are seen to be proportional to the mass (m) of the bird. Note in both cases the general form of Isaac Newton's most famous law. But whereas the weight is proportional to the vertical acceleration (g) due to gravity, representing the vertical gradient (g=de/dz) of potential energy (e=gz), the dynamic soaring force is proportional to the horizontal acceleration (du/dt), representing the rate of change of windspeed resulting from vertical motion at velocity (dz/dt) in a locally-fixed vertical gradient (du/dz) of horizontal wind (u). If the albatross climbs directly upwind at a very shallow flight-path angle, it will enjoy a rate of change (dV/dt) of airspeed approaching (du/dt), whereby the dynamic soaring thrust will approach (T = m dV/dt) and thus, for the stated special conditions, exhibit a direct and perhaps more-easily-comprehended application of Newton's Law. That portion of (F) aligned with (V) T = m (du/dz) V (sing) (cosy) (cosg) Both (W) and (F) are proportional to mass (m) dV/dt ≈ du/dt for shallow climb directly upwind

24 Sensor platform always kept level
The albatross, as well as apparently all soaring birds, keeps its “sensor platform” perfectly level when turning. Indeed, soaring birds can be seen with their wings banked at greater than 90-deg while holding the head perfectly level.

25 “Getting a Handle” on the Trajectory Parameters
Problem 9 trajectory parameters (t, x, y, z, V, u, g, f, y) Time, position, airspeed, windspeed, maneuver angles Solution Prescribe boundary layer profile u(z) Schedule pitch angle (g) with heading (y) Follow the Dynamic Soaring Rule Schedule one more parameter, say bank angle f(y) -- to travel overall in the intended direction, say downwind Equations of Motion determine all other parameters Numerically integrate dy/dt, dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt The dynamic soaring trajectory has nine parameters: time, 3 coordinates, airspeed, windspeed, and 3 maneuver angles. This may leave us asking “where do we start?” The solution is first to prescribe the wind-profile and then to recognize that the albatross must follow the dynamic soaring rule, whereby we can schedule the pitch angle with heading. Then, if we schedule one more parameter, such as bank angle versus time, the equations of motion will determine all other parameters when we numerically and simultaneously integrate the various rates.

26 Maneuver Angle Schedules ~ Math-modeled Examples
Sine Wave Heading or time/period t 1 0.0 0.5 1.0 2 Dt Midpoint Shift Auxiliary Time, t1 t 2 0.0 0.5 1.0 3 Endpoint “dwell” Auxiliary Time, t2 Sin2 “adder” Flight Path Angle Schedule Heading or time/period Bank Angle Schedule The best way to simulate the graceful flight of the albatross is to schedule selected maneuver angles with equations. Naturally, the sinusoidal functions are well suited for this. Climbing and diving in accordance with the dynamic soaring rule is readily modeled with a sine wave, together with a “sine-squared” adder which allows us to adjust the relative amplitudes of the climb and dive angle excursions. Also, we can adjust the mid-point of the maneuver with an auxiliary time, and we can model the short period where the albatross skims its wingtip on the water with second auxiliary time which operates on the first. The result represents the flight path angle versus either heading or non-dimensional time. Usually, the bank angle will be computed in terms of scheduled inputs. In other cases, specifically for the “snaking-upwind” maneuver, we schedule the bank angle versus non-dimensional time. With these simple and powerful mathematical formulations, we need only adjust a handful of parameters by trial and error until the trajectory meets the various constraints, such as skimming the water, maintaining the energy balance, and traveling overall in the intended direction such as downwind, crosswind, or upwind.

27 Black-browed Albatross
Falkland Islands Royal Albatross

28 Black-browed Albatross

29 Three Accelerations ~ Newton’s Law Applied
Isaac Newton g Loop Radius a = = Vh ydt 2 2 dt Vh y V Vh g Vh ydt Vh y ydt Turn Radius V g Vh y V A three-dimensional trajectory can be computed by breaking down the motion into two components, one in a horizontal plane, and the other in a vertical plane. At any point the airspeed vector is tangent to the flight path, with a horizontal velocity component given by V cos gamma. We can then look down on the trajectory to fit a local horizontal radius of curvature, with attendant turn rate “psi dot.” As shown to us by Isaac Newton, the acceleration toward the center of the horizontal circle is the product of horizontal velocity and turn rate. Similarly, we can stand off to the side and fit a roller-coaster-loop radius to the motion in a vertical plane. The corresponding acceleration toward the center of that loop is then given by the product of airspeed and pitch rate, “gamma dot.” Last, but not least, the third acceleration is along the flight path itself, and this is determined by dynamic soaring thrust in relation to drag and the component of weight tangent to the flight path. Vh Vh ydt

30 Sooty Albatross

31 Equations of Motion for Dynamic Soaring
1 1: Local wind gradient Thrust group Drag group 2: Tangential load factor 2 3 3: Normal load factor 4 4: Turn rate CL = nn W / (½  V2 S) 5 5: Lift coefficient Here we apply the foregoing analysis to compute the dynamic soaring trajectory of the albatross. Those interested can study these later, but our intent here is to show all the equations through which the computer cycles, perhaps 20 times per second, to determine the changes in position and orientation of the albatross. These equations represent the wind gradient, tangential load factor, maneuver or normal load factor, turn rate, lift coefficient, drag-to-lift ratio, and trajectory in terms of the Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z). Now focusing only on equation (2), representing the “Dynamic Soaring Equation,” we see that the tangential load factor, or acceleration along the flight path normalized with gravity, is given simply by a “thrust group” in relation to a “drag group.” For the dynamic soaring thrust, notice the proportionality to airspeed (V), wind gradient (u’=du/dz), and orientation of the albatross relative to the wind. Next, notice that the drag group includes the maneuvering or normal load factor (Nn), whereby evolution has endowed the albatross with a high-aspect-ratio wing to reduce its drag-to-lift ratio during maneuvering with the lift force several times its weight. Thus over fifty or so million years, the weight, wingspan, and shape of the albatross have been perfectly optimized for the wind profile which constitutes its home. D/L  (CDo/CL) + CL/(3A) 6 6: Drag-to-lift ratio 7 7: Trajectory x = u – V cosg cosy downwind y = V cosg siny crosswind z = V sing vertical

32 Antarctic Iceberg, 50-m high, 80% below water

33 Wandering Albatross

34 Circumpolar Turn Maneuver
-90 90 180 270 -20 20 40 60 z, m g o f r, m A B C D E Heading y Schedules r(y), g(y) Energy lost to drag is restored by upwind climb and downwind descent A B C D E 10 20 30 40 u E/g V t L/D Windspeed 7 m/s Net ground speed, 10 m/s Here we focus on the circumpolar turn maneuver, with which the albatross makes rapid progress straight downwind, overall. In other words, point (E) is directly downwind of point (A), where the cyclic trajectory begins. The albatross uses this maneuver to circumnavigate Antarctica several times per year. Here the wind profile, airborne trajectory, and ground track are drawn to scale, but the albatross is shown at 300% for clarity. Its banked wingtip just clears the water at point (A) where it is turning across the wind. We’ll follow the dynamic soaring rule by scheduling pitch angle (gamma) with heading (psi). Also, we’ll schedule the turn radius (r, meters) with heading. Every other parameter in the trajectory then becomes a result of numerically integrating the equations of motion. Let’s make some interesting observations about this maneuver: Energy lost to drag in crosswind flight is restored overall by the upwind climb and downwind descent. The normal load factor (Nn) is 3-g, into the wind at point (B), and 1-g, across the wind at point (C) Lift-to-drag ratio (L/D) remains nearly constant and near-optimal at about 27 throughout the maneuver. The tangential load factor (Nt) provides the strongest indication of energy gain or loss. From point (A) to (E) the albatross travels overall downwind 40% faster than the wind itself. -90 90 180 270 -1 1 2 3 Heading y o 10 n t C L n

35 Groundspeed, Relative Wind, and Apparent Sideslip
q s y V g u Vcos Wind Ground speed Airspeed Shadow x True A careful examination of the previous slide reveals apparent sideslip as seen by a stationary observer on the ground. Yet the albatross remains pointed into the relative wind, thus with "coordinated turning." In the above sketch looking down at the top of the maneuver, we see that the flight velocity vector projects onto the water below an "airspeed shadow vector" (sun assumed directly above) which, when vectorially combined with the local "true wind" vector (u), yields the groundspeed vector (Vg). The apparent misalignment of the albatross with its groundspeed vector gives rise to the apparent sideslip. But again, there is no sideslip because the albatross flies directly into the relative wind which, in the two-dimensional figure above, is aligned with the airspeed shadow vector.

36 Albatross Dynamic Soaring Simulation
Net Crosswind Maneuver 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 -1 1 2 t = ( t,sec ) /13 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 60 Phil Barnes July 2004 10 n C L n z L/D g o f u E/g V y Bird Relative Ground 25 m 11 kg, b = 3.5 m, A = 16 U = 7.0 Z = 20 m

37 Albatross Dynamic Soaring Simulation
Snaking Upwind A B C Bird Relative Ground Relative 10 g o m = 11 kg b = 3.5 m U = 7.0 Z=20 m -10 B t = t / 8.0 25 m -20 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 90 45 f y o C A o -45 -90 35 E/g Bird scaled to 30 B 300% for detail 25 A V 20 15 L/D C 10 z u 5 Net Progress 2 3.6 m/s Upwind n n C 1 L 10 n t Phil Barnes June 2004 -1 t Show Simulation = t / 8.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

38 By dynamic soaring, the albatross gains thrust from the wind profile by upwind ascent & downwind descent On shoulder-locked wings, the albatross can progress overall in any direction An early albatross likely shared the ocean skies with Pteranodon The albatross soars downwind overall 40% faster than the wind The wandering albatross circumnavigates Antarctica several times per year, often half asleep on the wing

39 And the good south wind still blew behind;
From The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner ~ Part the Second And the good south wind still blew behind; But no sweet bird did follow, Nor any day, for food or play, Came to the mariners’ hollo! - Samuel Taylor Coleridge Let not the albatross vanish from the earth on our short watch J. Philip Barnes

40 Algebratross Static Display Model by J. Philip Barnes
Instructions: 01. Copy / enlarge on copy machine or printer 02. Paste whole page on sandwich board 03. Cut forward-center slot, width as shown 04. Cut aft-side slots, width as shown 05. Cutout 1-piece total wing & body 06. Cutout each body side-view half 07. Align & paste body halves side-by-side 08. Test fit wing / body matching slots 09. Sand slots if required; use nail file 10. Fold ea. wing, 5-deg (use table edge) 11. Assemble with lightly-glued slots. Enjoy! 12. “Pin-in-the-side” locates c.g. for mobiles. Slot width is twice Board thickness Front view, Assembled model (not to scale) Slot width equals Board thickness

41 About the Author Phil Barnes has a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Arizona and a Master’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering from Cal Poly Pomona. He is an expert in the performance analysis of aerospace vehicles and subsystems at a major aerospace corporation. He has authored numerous technical papers and presentations on airfoils, wings, propellers, gears, and orbital mechanics. Drawing from his SAE technical paper of the same title, this presentation integrates Phil’s technical skills with his passions for soaring flight, and of course, the albatross. This and other examples of Phil’s work can be found at his web site (

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