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Mobile Asset Tracking How contactless technology can help you track your mobile assets.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Asset Tracking How contactless technology can help you track your mobile assets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Asset Tracking How contactless technology can help you track your mobile assets

2 History of Asset Tracking
Ever since humans had stuff they have tried to keep track of ‘it’and where it is. It is in our nature to crave order over chaos. As civilisations grew and got more complex, with armies and supply chains, this became even more important and details of assets and their movements were recorded manually using the most advanced technologies they had, even if this was just using pebbles or writing it down. And it stayed this way for a few thousand years. Fast forward to the 1960s and computers were developed. Naturally, people then started to record asset details in electronic formats. First in text files, and then in spreadsheets and databases. And finally, we reach today and we have more computing power in our pockets than sent the first manned mission to the moon, and the ubiquitous presence of cloud computing. Fundamentally, the mentality around asset tracking has not changed for millennia, we have just evolved and adapted it to use the best technology available to us.

3 Benefits of Asset Tracking
Control over Chaos Improve Utilisation Reduce Loss Capacity Planning Compliance

4 Business Benefits – The Brewery Example
Brewery Size Annual Financial Benefits of Tracking Small (1,000 assets) £58,000 Medium (4,000 assets) £224,000 Large (50,000 assets) £2,650,000 Tracking provides cost savings though a reduction in the numbers of lost assets, and profitability improvements through increased asset utilisation. Based on 50% loss reduction and 25% utilisation improvement

5 Traditional Asset Tracking Solutions
Numbered Label Barcode QR Code RFID

6 Asset Tracking Solution Challenges
Damaged Labels Admin Overhead Expensive Equipment Interference

7 A New Take on Asset Tracking Technology

8 Benefits of NFC for Asset Tracking
Writable Durable Embeddable Affordable

9 The iSpaniel Solution A SaaS tracking solution for low cost assets, designed to be robust and simple. 1. Robust NFC Tag 2. Mobile App 3. SaaS Portal

10 The Future of Asset Tracking

11 The Future of Asset Tracking

12 Questions?

13 Thank You Please visit us on Stand 72 for more information.

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