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Information Evening Year 3 - September 2019

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1 Information Evening Year 3 - September 2019
Monday 24th June 2019

2 Year 3 Learning & Progress Leader
Year 3 Team Miss Katie Townhill Year 3 Learning & Progress Leader (Elm) Mrs Rachel Parsons Year 3 Class Teacher (Oak) Miss Nicky Griffiths Year 3 Class Teacher (Oak) Miss Ellie Seddon Year 3 Class Teacher (Ash)

3 Other VIPs Mr Ryan O’Hearn Headteacher Mrs Clare Hawkins
Deputy Headteacher Mrs Sarah Robinson SENDCO Mrs Alison Carpenter Child & Family Support Worker ELSA/FEIPS Miss Aimee Matthews Business Manager Mrs Karen Archer Senior Admin Assistant

4 At Freegrounds Junior School our vision is to create a safe, inspirational learning environment, with shared values, in which everyone is respected as a learner and experiences success, and where barriers to learning are identified and intervention put in place to overcome them. Our vision is built on a culture of high expectation, a ‘can do’ approach and positive relationships, equipping all children to be lifelong learners, to go out into the wider world as happy, confident citizens who are curious and respectful. Our aim is for all children to leave Freegrounds Junior School having achieved the highest possible standards, with a sense of pride and self-worth and well equipped to thrive in an ever changing technological world. June 2015

5 Our 6 learning behaviours
Resilience Independence Creativity Team work Critical thinking Reflection

6 Curriculum Overview Grow for it! The Great Christmas Bake Off It Rocks
How Green is this Place? Viva Espana Legacy of Legends

7 Autumn 1: Topic overview Grow For It!
As scientists, we will be setting up a longitudinal study to look at how the trees in our school grounds change in a year. Through close observation of plants we will learn the different parts of plants and their functions. As programmers, we will be writing an algorithm to code a character to talk a user through the process of growing a plant. As Artists, we will be designing patterns and images that are inspired by nature. We will be using computer software for our initial ideas and then choose our favourite designs to turn into a 3D model made of wire.

8 Daily Routine 9 – 10am – First lesson of the day
10 – 11am – Second lesson of the day 11 – 11.15am – Break time! 11.15 – – Third lesson of the day 12.15 – 1.15pm – LUNCH TIME! 1.15 – 3.15pm – Afternoon activities 3.15pm – HOME TIME! 3.15 – 4.15pm - After School Clubs!

9 Homework Spellings – 5 to learn each week Handwriting
Alternate weeks spelling and times table practice

10 Times Tables Rockstars
Designed to help children learn and practice their times tables, with a focus on speed of recall. 3 weekly practices in school on paper Login online and play at home Create your own avatar and buy accessories with coins earnt Weekly certificates in collective worship Inter-school competitions

11 Reading at home Children earn a house point for every time they record 20 reads Continue to work on reading sight words, segmenting and blending Beginning to read with increased fluency and adding appropriate intonation and expression At school focus the focus will be on comprehension skills such as inference and understanding of vocabulary

12 Housepoints Russett Winston Empire Bramley Gold = 100 house points
Silver = 50 house points Bronze = 25 house points Russett Winston Empire Bramley House points are awarded for effort. Siblings are placed in the same house.

13 Website

14 What your child needs School uniform Water bottle
Medication – inhalers, support plans Home School Diary Reading book – from school P.E. separate bag School bag

15 Early Bird Session: 7.30am – 8.50am Breakfast Session: 8.00am – 8.50am
Freegrounds Junior School Association Facebook group Early Bird Session: 7.30am – 8.50am Breakfast Session: 8.00am – 8.50am After School Session: 3.10pm – 6pm Freegrounds Junior School Governors

16 Key Terms used at the Junior School
L2L – Learning to Learn. Our 6 learning behaviours (Resilience, reflection, team work, independence, creativity and critical thinking) TTRockstars – Times Tables Rockstars. Online and at school practice of times tables Houses – Teams the children earn house points for and compete in for school events (Russet, Bramley, Winston and Empire) House points (HP)- Reward stickers children collect for effort Star of the Week – Recognition in celebration assembly of a particular achievement awarded by the class teacher SMSC – Spiritual, Social, Moral and Cultural development Arithmetic – Quick recall/mental working in Maths

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