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Get out a blank sheet of paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Get out a blank sheet of paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Get out a blank sheet of paper.
Bell Work Get out a blank sheet of paper. Put your name and class period at the top. Using bullet points, write down everything you can remember about World War 2. Ex. Causes? Sides? Events? People? Outcome?

2 World War II BEGINS EQ: Why do wars begin?

3 Germany Europe Ruled by the Weimar Republic (democratic government)
WWI Ends Recap Germany Ruled by the Weimar Republic (democratic government) Blamed for starting WWI Forced to pay reparations $$$ Lost overseas colonies and border territories Europe Mandate System- New democratic governments formed and ruled by GB and France Economic recession turns into depression with U.S.

4 Europe During the 1920s and 1930s
Economic depression High unemployment High prices for goods Inflation People were desperate for change and the democratic governments that had been established after WW1 could not bring change fast enough. Eventually, people turned to totalitarian leaders to help them.

5 TOTALitarianism Gov’t has TOTAL and complete control over its citizens
Individuals have no rights Gov’t suppresses all opposition

6 Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.) Leader = Joseph Stalin
Established a communist totalitarian state Made agricultural and industrial growth the economic goals By 1937 USSR became 2nd largest industrial power right behind the U.S. 8-13 million people eliminated under Stalin’s regime

7 Form of totalitarian gov’t Stressed Nationalism
Fascism Form of totalitarian gov’t Stressed Nationalism Interests of the state come before the interests of individuals

8 Italy High unemployment and inflation Leader = Benito Mussolini
Powerful speaker Played on fears of economic collapse and communism Established Fascist party

9 Spain Leader = Francisco Franco
Fascist militarists helped him get to power Totalitarianism in Spain

10 Nazism Form of Fascism Based on extreme nationalism Goals:
Unite all German-speaking people in a great German empire Racial “purification” Aryans= master race Create more Lebensraum which means “living space”

11 Germany High unemployment and inflation Leader = Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf Nazism

12 German Aggression Prior to WW2
March 1938 Germany invaded Austria March 1939 Germany invaded Czech 1939 1938 Sept. 1938 Germany invaded Sudetenland

13 World War ii Begins Hitler claimed that Germans in Poland were being “mistreated” and “needed” his protection Great Britain and France promised Poland that they would declare war on Germany if Hitler invaded Poland

14 World War ii Begins Poland was in between Germany and the Soviet Union
Many Europeans thought Hitler would be crazy to invade Poland because if he did, the Soviet Union would take it as a threat and attack Germany

15 Non-Aggression Pact In a shocking twist, Germany and the Soviet Union signed an agreement to not attack each other Secretly, they also agreed to invade Poland together and split the country between the two of them

16 World War ii Begins In 1939, Germany invaded Poland from the west and the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east Great Britain and France declared war on Germany Italy sided with Germany

17 By 1940, Hitler had defeated France- leaving Only Great Britain to stand up to the Germans

18 Germany continuously bombed Great Britain (Battle of Britain)
The U.S. Stayed Neutral Germany continuously bombed Great Britain (Battle of Britain) Americans supported isolationism



21 The Neutrality Acts 1930s Congressional investigation showed that banking and munitions interests pushed the U.S. to enter WWI for their own financial gain This evidence led Congress to pass a series of neutrality laws These laws made it illegal to sell arms or make loans to nations at war


23 Cash and Carry Policy Part of the Neutrality Act of 1939
As things got worse in Europe, Congress decided something needed to be done Allowed the sale of any materials, including weapons, to nations at war if they paid cash and sent their own ships to pick up the supplies Provided a way for the U.S. to help the Allied powers while at the same time remaining neutral

24 Cash and Carry Policy The British and the French were the only countries financially able to meet the criteria of the cash and carry Policy This arrangement kept American ships from being sunk in the Atlantic

25 Lend-Lease By late 1940, Britain was running out of cash
President Roosevelt devised a plan nicknamed “Lend-Lease” which stated that the U.S. would lend weapons and supplies to “any country whose defense was vital to the U.S.”

26 Lend-Lease ACt Isolationists argued against the plan, but most Americans favored it Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act in March 1941 $1 billion in Lend-Lease aid was sent to Great Britain in October 1941 By 1942, $50 billion worth of equipment and supplies had already been sent to the Allied powers

27 Lend-Lease Activity Part 1 FDR Press Conference Dec. 17, 1940
President Franklin D. Roosevelt owns the garden hose in this illustration. Who is his neighbor? What is the fire? What is the fire hose? Why might it get smashed up? How would his neighbor replace it?

28 Lend-Lease Activity Part 2 FDR’s Fireside Chat
Who threatens America and the world? Who is fighting to hold off and defeat that threat? What do the people who are defending themselves ask of the United States? How can the United States aid the defenders of Democracy? Who will decide if the production of consumer or luxury goods needs to yield to defense production?

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