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Human Trafficking. Group Members COSC COSC COSC

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Presentation on theme: "Human Trafficking. Group Members COSC COSC COSC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Trafficking

2 Group Members COSC 18111121 COSC 18111127 COSC 18111129

3 Human Trafficking Purpose of forced labour and exploitation of rights

4 Modern Day Slavery

5 “ The chains of Modern-Day slavery are invisible ”

6 Forms of Human Trafficking Forced labour Forced Begging Forced criminality Forced organ removal

7 Human Trafficking vs People Smuggling Human Trafficking Controlling humans Non-freedom People Smuggling Borders crossing Freedom

8 How it is done ? Promised a better life Help immigrating Fake jobs Abduction

9 Signs of Human Trafficking Malnourished Physical injuries Avoiding eye contact, social interaction Lacking official identification documents Tattoos/ branding on the neck and/or lower back

10 Countries with higher rate U.S Pakistan India Bangladesh


12 Some Solutions of Human Trafficking

13 Fundraising Holding a fundraiser Donating the money

14 Volunteer Volunteering time and effort to an anti-trafficking organization


16 Advocate Meeting with or reaching out to local, state and federal representatives

17 Report suspicions Emergency phone number Quick reports

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