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Script for Jose’s Choice

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1 Script for Jose’s Choice
Resource Officer: Okay, kids, you’ll have to come with me. Smoking marijuana is against the school rules and against the law. Jose: But I didn’t do anything! It isn’t mine. I didn’t smoke it! Resource Officer: If you hold it in your hand, it’s yours.

2 Script for Jose’s Choice
Jose: But I didn’t think of that. Resource Officer: You didn’t think at all. You should have thought about it. Let’s go. Teacher: The School Resource Officer took the group to the Principal’s office.

3 Script for Jose’s Choice
Principal: I’m going to call your parents and report you to the police. This very serious. You will be suspended from school for two weeks, and you will receive zeroes for any work that is missed. Jose: But I have a test next week! I have A’s and B’s in all my classes. What about my grades?

4 Script for Jose’s Choice
Principal: You should have thought about that before, Jose. Teacher: That night, Jose called his girl friend on the telephone. Girl Friend: Jose, everyone at school has been talking about you. Some parents heard about it and told my mom. She says I can’t go to the movie with you Friday night. She says I can’t ever see you again.

5 Script for Jose’s Choice
Jose: But I didn’t do anything! Some guy just handed the stuff to me. I didn’t even have time to think about it! Girl Friend: Well, you should have thought about it! My mom’s coming. I’ve got to go. (Hang up.)

6 Script for Jose’s Choice
Jose: Who would have thought that by holding a joint, I would ruin my grades and lose my girlfriend? Resource Officer, Principal, Girlfriend: You should have!

7 Script for Jose’s Choice

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