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Rome’s Beginnings.

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1 Rome’s Beginnings

2 Thought Question: What are some important world events
Thought Question: What are some important world events? What are some important events of Ancient Rome?

3 The Legend of Romulus and Remus
Read the “Mythical Beginnings” section on page 272 and take notes. Then answer the following questions: Almost all cultures have stories that explain their beginnings. Why do you think that the Romans used Romulus and Remus for that purpose? What characteristics did Romulus and Remus have that the Romans admired? According to the legend, How was the city of Rome founded?

4 A Perfect Location About 1600 BC, people came to live along the banks of the Tiber River on the Italian Peninsula. Italy is mountainous. The Italian Peninsula has one of the longest coastlines in Europe. It stretches 650 miles into the Mediterranean Sea. Near the middle of the western coast is the city of Rome. It spreads across low hills, which provided good protection against attacks and safety when the Tiber flooded.

5 A Perfect Location Thought Question:
Where did the Romans build most of their buildings? What might be a good reason for this location?

6 Map of Italy On your map label: Italy Rome Tiber River Sicily
Mediterranean Sea Ionian Sea Adriatic Sea Tyrrhenian Sea

7 The Romans Learn from Other Cultures
Because Rome is located in the center of a huge trade route, the Romans interacted with many people from Greece and far-off lands. Because of this, the Romans studied new ideas about growing crops and learned the stories and legends of other peoples. Throughout their history, the ancient Romans had a gift for learning from other cultures.

8 The Romans Learn from Other Cultures
Farming conditions were ideal on the west coast, where land was especially fertile. The climate in Rome, which is warm and moist most of the year, was ideal for crops such as grapes and olives. At first, the early peoples of Italy called themselves Latins. When Rome became more powerful, they started calling themselves Romans.

9 Etruscan Rule As Rome grew in size, it prospered and attracted northern neighbors. The Etruscans took over Rome about 600 BC and soon gained control of nearly all of the Italian Peninsula. The Etruscans were skilled builders and farmers who taught many skills to the Romans: Better weapons Better ships Aqueducts, or structures that carry flowing water to supply water to cities. The aqueducts later helped the Romans use their water supply more effectively.

10 Etruscan Rule Roman Aqueducts

11 Etruscan Rule Romans began to resent the Etruscan kings.
In 509 BC, an Etruscan noble Tarquin murdered the king and seized power. Power was then seized by a Roman leader named Junius Brutus. He emerged as the new leader of Rome Rome was about to enter a glorious period. During this time, the Romans would set up a form of government that people continue to study today.

12 The Roman Republic

13 Roman Social Order Roman citizens were divided into two groups: the patricians (the wealthy) who also make up the Senate (more about this later) And the plebeians (included the freemen and the slaves) About 90% of Roman citizens were plebeians. They included farmers, soldiers, and merchants.

14 Roman Social Order The rights of women:
Could not vote or hold public office. Own property Testify in court Played major roles in governing Rome

15 How the Romans Governed Themselves
Remember that the Romans drove out the Etruscan king. After this happened, they established a republic, or a government in which citizens have the right to vote, or choose their leaders. Those who are elected to represent the people are called representatives. Roman representatives served in a governing body called the Senate.

16 The Structure of the Government
At first only patricians ran the Roman republic. Each year, two patricians were chosen as consuls to run the government and the army. Sometimes in an emergency, the consuls named a dictator to rule. Trouble was brewing with this type of government. Rome was growing larger and getting more crowded. The plebeians often spoke out against the power of the patricians. Some worried patricians created their own private armies.

17 The Tribunes As time went on, the plebeians began to demand greater rights. To meet their demands, the Senate appointed men to protect the rights of the plebeians. These men were called tribunes, which, in time, became very powerful. Tribunes: the voice of the people.

18 On the next page… Underneath the title, write, “Republic- citizens elect representatives Draw a sketch underneath “Republic” that depicts the meaning of the word. Label the man on the left “Patrician.” Label the man on the right “Plebeian.” Write 3 words that describe or have to do with patricians. Write 3 words that describe or have to do with plebeians. Draw what a patrician would look like (ancient or modern times). Draw what a plebeian would look like (ancient or modern times).

19 What differences do you see?

20 All Write Round Robin Discuss with your group. Brainstorm words or phrases that describe a patrician. Take turns stating your responses. Record each answer on your paper next to patrician. All answers must be different.

21 All Write Round Robin Discuss with your group. Brainstorm words or phrases that describe a plebeian. Take turns stating your responses. Record each answer on your paper next to plebeian. All answers must be different.

22 Finishing up! Draw and color what a patrician of Rome looks like under “Patrician.” Draw and color what a plebeian of Rome looks like under “Plebeian.”

23 Influences on US Government

24 Videos: Rome’s influence on US

25 Round Robin Which parts of the US government got its influence from Greece? Which parts of the US government got its influence from Rome? Which system of government appeals to you the most? Why? Do you think the US got it right? What would you change? Should we have come up with something completely original? Is there a different government concept that you would recommend? ** Refer to pages , 303, 230, in your book for help**

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