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Centre for Nuclear Safety and Security

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Presentation on theme: "Centre for Nuclear Safety and Security"— Presentation transcript:

1 Centre for Nuclear Safety and Security
Mr Madimetja Segobola: Programmes Coordinator

2 Overview Centre for Nuclear Safety & Security
Education & Training Programme R&D Programme Questions

3 Centre for Nuclear Safety & Security - CNSS

4 Centre for Nuclear Safety & Security
CNSS is an NNR owned centre - launched in September 2016 Mandate Support NNR mandate Education and training (E&T), Regulatory research and development (R&D) Technical Support Services Vision To be a world-class Centre for Nuclear Safety and Security in Africa. Mission Establish capabilities NNR Improve regulatory practices in South Africa Support African region - related to Nuclear Safety and Security

5 CNSS Strategy Collaborate with any institution with any matter falling within NNR mandate; Collaborate with any educational scientific or government or institution; Provide financial or other assistance in connection with the training of NNR staff.

6 International Partners
ISTC: SUPPORT TO SOUTHERN AFRICAN STATES IN NUCLEAR SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS Project Steering Committee composition – South Africa and participating countries Provide training and technical support relevant to the project Coordination and facilitation for development of web-based communication system .e.g South Africa host system Public Awareness of Transportation Safety & related IAEA – Practical Arrangement Designation of CNSS as the IAEA Regional Capacity-building Centre for Nuclear Safety and Security leverage on the IAEA funding to extend its nuclear safety expertise and training of SADC Member States and FNRBA members at large


8 Benefits International instruments IAEA requirements
Compliance International instruments IAEA requirements National requirements Maintain and improve nuclear safety & security record of the country SOCIO-ECONOMIC Reduce unemployment and poverty; climate change effects Transition to knowledge economy; Contribute to Social Equity Number of youths/women employed in nuclear science and engineering; Cross-cutting Number of graduates include Post Doc level researchers; Research output publications and patents Networking - attract top international talent leading to international recognition of South Africa Develop training and learnership programmes recognized occupational qualifications

9 CNSS Pillars of Support
Education and Training (E&T) Regulatory Research and Development (R&D) Technical Support Services (TSS)

10 Education and Training Programme

11 Education and Training Programme
Local Trainings Institute No. of trainings No. of participants NNR Employees trained ENSTTI 4 77 33 IAEA 1 35 3 NNR/IAEA 3 – Mongolian Fellows TSAN/IAEA 18 –Niger Fellows Total 7 130 36 International Trainings Name of Institute Number of trainings NNR Employees trained ENSTTI 2 ITER -Consult 1 Total 3

12 CNSS R&D Programme

13 Process Project needs Scoping
Call for Proposals Screening Proposals are received, registered and screened Assessment Assess proposal Contracting contracting with institution M&E according to Project Plan

14 R&D Status Area of research Research topics Proposals received
Assessed Funded Nuclear siting, emergency planning and environmental assessment 10 13 11 1 Nuclear Security, Radioactive Sources and Nuclear Data 2 Reactor systems and risk analysis 3 4 Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection 8 6 Nuclear Systems and Structural Analysis 7 Total 30 37 23

15 Projects at partner institutions

16 WITS – Physics Number of Students supported: 2 MSC
Area of R&D: Nuclear siting, emergency planning and environmental assessment Research Project: Independent verification of the Environmental Hydrogeological Conditions of Thyspunt Nuclear Site

17 WITS – Geohydrology Number of Students supported: 2 MSC
Area of R&D: Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Research Project: Assessment of natural radioactivity in drinking water in the surroundings of former uranium mines

18 UCT - Physics Number of Students supported: 1 Post Doc and 1 MSC
Area of R&D: Nuclear Systems and Structural Analysis Research Project: Neutron transmission and activation studies for concrete and other materials in the nuclear industry

19 NCSU – Nuclear Engineering
Number of Students supported: 2 MSC Area of R&D: Reactor systems and risks analysis Research Project: Multi-physics platform for safety analysis based on NRC codes

20 Pipeline Projects Title Number of Students
Radon migration in groundwater surrounding mines and associated works. 2 Masters Design of national radon mapping study Natural radioactive toxicity in drinking water sources due to abandoned uranium mines. Multi-physics platform for safety analysis based on NRC codes  Total 8

21 Available Projects for Funding
Area of research Research topics Funded /Pipeline Opportunity Nuclear siting, emergency planning and environmental assessment 10 2 8 Nuclear Security, Radioactive Sources and Nuclear Data Reactor systems and risk analysis 3 1 Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection 6 Nuclear Systems and Structural Analysis 7 Total 30 24

22 Thank You Contact Details: Mr Madimetja Segobola
Telephone: Mobile:

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