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Focus on student entrance

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2 Focus on student entrance
How can Rayner Stephens provide a welcoming, safe and positive environment for everyone – learners, staff & visitors? Focus on student entrance Student entrance is quite dull Decorate Student entrance Bright colours Display of Student Council Collage of photographs Welcome sign Motivate Learners Change the appearance of Student Entrance to be more friendly and welcoming

3 ACTIVITIES: More things to do at lunch time
How can Rayner Stephens provide a welcoming, safe and positive environment for everyone – learners, staff & visitors? More ‘safe’ places at break and lunch – havens away from the canteen and playground Library open at break and lunch Review the ‘lunch club’ – how could this be developed? ACTIVITIES: More things to do at lunch time More extra-curricula clubs – not just sports Special area for Year 7 and 8 only

4 HAPPINESS: If a person is happy they will perform better
How can Rayner Stephens provide a welcoming, safe and positive environment for everyone – learners, staff & visitors? Consistency with behavior and achievement policies Positive Teachers to praise learners Opportunities to work with friends Involve learners and staff so they feel comfortable and listened to HAPPINESS: If a person is happy they will perform better Continue to build a culture of respect

5 Thoughts on how we can improve emotional/mental health awareness in school.
Student Council to work with new Student Leader Mental Health Ambassadors Student friendly definition of terms Collate learner & staff stress busting tips A clear pathway of who to talk to and when they are available – mix of teachers, support staff, Student Leaders and learners Peer mentors or Student Leaders to ‘buddy’ Year 7 & 8 form groups

6 Suggestions for end of term and end of year trips?
Display boards Suggestions for end of term and end of year trips? Theme Park – Alton Towers or Flamingo Land Barcelona Sports trip London – Natural History Museum Ninja Warrior assault course Bowling Cinema Escape rooms Giant inflatable assault course at school Tour of sports ground – City/United? Sports activities in school

7 Student Council says: We will raise these issues with Ms Beach
Any other business… Uniform (again) Majority of learners like uniform Optional jumpers Some feel jumpers itchy Can jumpers be tucked in? Some think girls uniform looks better with jumper Jumper AND blazer bulky and hot Student Council says: We will raise these issues with Ms Beach

8 Mirrors in boys toilets
Any other business… Toilets Mirrors in boys toilets Not enough toilet paper for girls and boys Student Council says: We will raise these issues with the caretaker but he has responded on similar issues before which have been sent out in our minutes

9 Mental Health Awareness Day
Any other business… Student Council suggest… Mental Health Awareness Day Student Council says: We can share our stress busting tips and focus on how to improve our mental health and support others

10 Did you know… Watch this space…
Student Council visited Willow Wood Hospice to develop our relationship and learn about what they do. Student Council aim to share the role of the Hospice and explain to Learners how it supports our community. Watch this space…

11 You said… We did… Any other business…
As a result from feedback through student council your views have been listened to and changes taken place


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