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Project 4: IoT-enabled peer-to-peer energy trading REU Students: Nicholas Shanklin & Eric Elliot Graduate mentors: Sharare Zehtabian & Rehan Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "Project 4: IoT-enabled peer-to-peer energy trading REU Students: Nicholas Shanklin & Eric Elliot Graduate mentors: Sharare Zehtabian & Rehan Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project 4: IoT-enabled peer-to-peer energy trading REU Students: Nicholas Shanklin & Eric Elliot Graduate mentors: Sharare Zehtabian & Rehan Faculty mentor(s): Dr. Qun Zhou & Dr. Damla Turgut Week 3 (June 10 – June 14, 2019) Accomplishments: Tested the solar panel schematics on actual recorded data. Simulated the solar panel to power a house with basic electronics. Modified it to be more power sufficient and wrote a paper to monitor my findings. Problem & Solutions Easyeda only have a limited amount of resistors, capacitors, and regulators so when inputting real data if the solar panel photovoltaic (PV) current is greater than what the schematic can regulate it will overload. Schematic simulate this by burning out. My solution use excel to graph the gap between the data so I know at what point does the schematic burn out due to to much (PV) current. Additionally add a humidity sensor to tell itself to shutdown or cool off before burning out. Plans for next week: Focus on inverters “Master Slave Operation” understand the functionality hoping it will help with track the transmitted current and tell the solar panel to stop absorbing (PV).

2 STAGE 1: A device converting solar radiation into electricity
STAGE 1: A device converting solar radiation into electricity. However this was before I knew I could import Solar Panels into Easyeda for use. So I try using a power supply to act as it was a solar panel.

3 Stage2: 2D Photon Schematics basically tools needed to properly created a solar panel some listed are: Solar panel, 12v battery, voltage sensor, current sensor, regulator, and inverters.

4 Stage 3: Solar Panel Beta it’s a functioning solar panel however still making changes to it if you look at Stage 2 from 3 I actually included a humidity sensor to help with the burning out mention earlier.

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