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US History B: Final Exam

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1 US History B: Final Exam
Read the directions for each slide carefully, then provide a complete, written response.

2 1. 2. 3. INSTRUCTIONS 1 2 3 Scan your answers using Answer all essay
CheckMyWork for authenticity. Answer all essay responses in complete sentences (essay format). 1. 2. 1 2 3 3. Attach and submit your test for grading via web mail.

3 10 1 . pts. Identifying Symbolism: A)Study the political cartoon below and briefly explain what two symbols the artist uses to identify one country from another. (3-4 sentences) B) What is the artist trying o accomplish by adding in the text/phrases? (2-3 sentences) [Answer both parts with a 5-7 sentence response here]

4 Non-Print Primary Source
10 2 . pts. Non-Print Primary Source Acquiring Primary Sources: Pretend you have been assigned an in-depth research project on “the atrocities of the Holocaust.” For this assignment, you are required to include at least one non-print/text primary source that (such as historical pictures, songs, speeches, maps, graphs, charts, etc.). Using the internet and your understanding of the the Holocaust, find one such non-print/text primary source that could be used in your hypothetical research assignment. A) Paste the source on this slide. B) Briefly explain how you would use this source to present your ideas or argument in this fictitious project (2-3 sentences). A) [Type response here] [Paste screenshot of image here] Description B) Briefly describe how you would use your source to support your research project here: [Type 2-3 sentence response here]

5 10 3 . Words and Actions: Read the passage below and answer the prompt using evidence from the quote to support your argument. (Minimum 4 sentences) pts. Did MLK Jr. support America’s involvement in the Vietnam War? Why or Why not? “It seemed as if there was a real promise of hope for the poor — both black and white — through the poverty program. There were experiments, hopes, new beginnings. Then came the buildup in Vietnam and I watched the program broken and eviscerated as if it were some idle political plaything of a society gone mad on war, and I knew that America would never invest the necessary funds or energies in rehabilitation of its poor so long as adventures like Vietnam continued to draw men and skills and money like some demonic destructive suction tube. So I was increasingly compelled to see the war as an enemy of the poor and to attack it as such.” ~Martin Luther King Jr. [Type 4 or more sentence response here]

6 15 4 . pts. Analyzing Primary Sources: Study the situation in this picture closely, then describe the scene as though you were sitting in the corner of this diner, right behind the photographer. (A) When was this? (B) Who are the people in the photo and what events are taking place? (C) Describe at least 3 different perspectives or behaviors that can be observed from this photo alone.: [Type responses to all 3 parts here. Be sure you reference evidence from the photo to support each answer]

7 10 5 . pts. Digital Detective: *WARNING* This question will require you to watch a 10 min video clip that depicts a Nazi prison/concentration camp during the Holocaust. Some words and images may be difficult to take in. If you or your parents are not comfortable with difficult imagery such as this, please web mail me for an alternative topic/question. Click the link below and watch the 10 min clip. Then respond to the prompt below in the space provided. Describe the observations and responses of the American soldiers as they try to understand what they have discovered. Feel free to use the five senses and descriptive emotions to describe their experience. (5-8 Sentences) [Answer both parts with a 5-8 sentence response here]

8 15 6 . pts. Free Response: Excluding computers, the internet, and cell phones, what (in your opinion) is the single most important technological advancement of the last 100 years? Support your answer with at least 3 pieces of evidence. You may do research to determine your answer. (6-8 sentences) [Continue your response here….]

9 Submitting Originality Report (*Required)
1. Select the CheckMyWork link from your Connexus® home page. CheckMyWork is a single-sign on and no username or password is required. 2. To submit your work, complete the available fields on the form: Section – Select the section associated with the work to be submitted. Title – Enter a title (e.g., Last Name_First Name_short description of the work_coursename_unit number_lesson number) My Work – Select “Browse” and select the file to upload from your computer. Note: The submitted file must be no larger than 70 MB. Select the Submit button at the bottom of the page. The confirmation message shown below will be displayed along with a link to the CheckMyWork Originality Report. 3. After viewing the Originality Report, you can edit your work and resubmit it by repeating steps 1-3. When you are satisfied with the results, download a PDF copy of the final report for your records by selecting “Generate Report” from the top-right. Once it is done, select “Download Report” to view the PDF copy and save for You will submit this originality report as a PDF or link to Mr. Snell when you submit your essay responses your records..

10 Attach and Submit for Grading
Save this file to your computer for safe keeping. Save a pdf or link of your CheckMyWork report. Create a web mail to Mr. Snell. Type “My Custom Final Exam” in the subject box. Attach your responses and CheckMyWork pdf to the web mail. Send it! Do a little celebratory dance! This should be the LAST thing you are submitting to me for the semester.!!! [View in presentation mode]

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