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Fall Plowing Drawing to Scale.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall Plowing Drawing to Scale."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall Plowing Drawing to Scale



4 Compare/Contrast

5 Is this picture symmetrical or asymmetrical?
What geometric shapes do you see? What organic shapes do you see? What is the center of interest?

6 What estimated fraction of the entire painting do you think the center field encompasses?
What percentage?

7 1 2 3 4 5 6

8 Summarize What was easy? What was difficult?
Are there any polygons in the painting?

9 What fraction? About 5 of 27 pieces 5/27 can be estimated at 5/25
5/25 can be simplified to 1/5. The center field encompasses about 1/5 of the entire painting.

10 What percent? Using the estimated fraction of 1/5, I know 1/5 = 20%
The center field encompasses about 20% of the entire painting.

11 Larger or Smaller? Scale factor of 3? Scale factor of ½?

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