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Session 13 - country presentation by Chinadfddddddddddd Application of multi-mode data collection in micro-census in 2015 and 2020 census.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 13 - country presentation by Chinadfddddddddddd Application of multi-mode data collection in micro-census in 2015 and 2020 census."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 13 - country presentation by Chinadfddddddddddd Application of multi-mode data collection in micro-census in 2015 and 2020 census National Bureau of Statistics, China United Nations Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses: International Standards and Contemporary Technologies Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June, 2018

2 Backgrounds for multi-mode data collection
CONTENTS 1 Backgrounds for multi-mode data collection 2 Data collection in 2015 micro-census Challanges of multi-modal data collection in census 3

3 unique modal collection in previous census
Background- unique modal collection in previous census Typical process in 2010 Face-to – face interview with paper questionnaire Manual consistency checks Scan and optical electronic entry Main problems Less efficiency in accurate input Lack timely feedback during enumeration phrase

4 Background-key considerations in the adoption
of multi-modal collection for census in China Key factors affecting decision on multi-modal collection in 2015 micro-census Institutional requirements, China’s official statistical capacity imporving, strategical implement of electronic data collection. Technological improvement in internet infrastructure, high internet penetration rate and computer literacy in china(51.7% internet penetration rate by 2016, about 710million internet users) Successful application of electronic data collection with handheld devices in the third economic census 2014 Raising awareness of privacy protection in public, the increasing difficulty of reaching respondents at their homes(esp. in high income and young generation hh), leading to relative lower response rate

5 Preparation for multi-modal collection
for 2020 census To fully prepare for the application of multi modal data collection Leveraging on the success and lessons from the electronic data collection from internal experiences(such as annual Population change survey, 3rd economic census) and external experiences from Canada, Australia, South Korea and etc. Planning pilot application in 2015 micro-census, large-scale application in population survey for the first time Design self-enumerated questionnaire by internet Design work flow of electronic collection Develop and test programs

6 2. Multi-mode data collection in micro-census 2015
Enlarged sample to satisfy sub-level representative requirement, sample size of million or 7.21 million hh Reference Time: Nov.1, 2015 There are two modes of data collection in micro-census 2015. PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: PPT背景图片: PPT图表下载: 教案下载: PPT论坛: 范文下载: 试卷下载:

7 2. Multi-mode data collection in micro-census 2015
(cont’d) Two mode for data collection: self-enumeration on internet and interview enumeration with handheld devices simultaneously Available 24h *7, internet enumeration provides respondents with the flexibility of responding at any time they desire. It allows respondents to provide their survey returns directly to the system without having to go through a third party(privacy protection), potential cost saving method

8 2. Multi-modal data collection in micro-census 2015
(cont’d) Main Working Stages of 2015 micro-census Pre-survey:Oct.16-31, pre-visiting in hh, hh choose self-enumeration on internet mode or enumeration with PDA Field enumeration :Nov.1-15 Self enumeration on internet: Nov.1-7, then enumeration with PDA follow-up 8-15 Enumeration with PDA: Nov.1-15 Post enumeration survey : Finished before Nov. 25 Data processing :Finished before Dec.31(occupation and industry manual coding, etc.)

9 2. Multi-modal data collection in micro-census 2015
work flow

10 Self-enumeration on internet
2. Multi-modal data collection Self-enumeration on internet Self-enumeration on the Internet. The household will fill in e-questionnaire online, according to the Household identification number(18 digits,6-digit county code, 3-digit township code, 3-digit village code,3-digit EA code, 3-digit hh code) and Initial password the network password. Respondents complete self-enumeration on Internet within 7 days. For the households with no reponses, enumerators will conduct follow-up face to face interviews with PDA before Nov. 15th .

11 2. Multi-modal data collection
self-enumeration on internet(cont’d) Self-enumeration on the Internet. Automated routing(skip strategy) is used to aid self-report respondents, only relevant questions shown based on entries/selection. Tips and definitions are also included to aid respondents. Precode and data quality control by validation throughout the procedure of the entire questionnaire to ensure completeness of returns and data consistency

12 Demonstration for internet survey questionnaire

13 2. Multi-modal data collection
enumeration with PDA Enumerators interviews with PDA Respondents’ approval of electronic signature are required Both online and offline synchronization strategy applied Both 4G cellular and wifi networking applied Single enumerator is responsible for aenumeration area(EA) with average 80 hh, and required to complete field work within 15 days IT support team from national statistical data management center and software developing companies. Two software developing team are employed to ensure data transmission

14 Demonstration for PDA application

15 2. Report process during 2015 micro-census with multi-modal collection
About 23 thousand hh reported by self-enumeration on internet Majority hh reported by enumeration by PDA Population(10,000 persons) 2453 Households(10,000 households) 721 PDA 719 Self-enumeration on the Internet 2.3

16 2. Report process during 2015 micro-census with multi-modal collection
Initial relative slow in reporting, 9 days from 0 to 50% Faster in later stage, only 4 days from 50% to 99.84%

17 3.Challenges of multi-modal data collection in 2020
Lessons from 2015 micro-census application of multi-modal collection Self-enumeration on internet Risks in data quality control High requirement for computer literacy rate, rate of access to the internet, poor results form elder, computer-illiteracy group Public trust and acceptance of the internet for official census Reliability of data collection system for simultaneously access

18 3.Challenges of multi-modal data collection in 2020
Lessons from 2015 micro-census application of multi-modal collection Enumeration with PDA Difficulty in hiring enumerators due to the high requirements for operation of handheld electronic devices, additional training of supervisors and enumerators as needed Budget limitation on equipment acquisition, esp. high equipment costs with limited short-term use. About 6 million PDAs are required for national census, only 8 billion funds in 2010 census, the cost of 6 million PDAs is about 6 billion.

19 The acceptance of internet enumeration is growing
1 The acceptance of internet enumeration is growing 2 Explore survey with more costless devices, such as smart phone, and device rental Future 3 Improve the quality of network platform to create flexible Internet survey methods 4 Explore the data quality control method of the internet survey 5 Conduct the pilot of self-administered on the internet


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