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Information Afternoon Year

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1 Information Afternoon Year 4 2019-20
Thursday 27th June – 2.45pm

2 Meet the staff Mrs Heather Pundsack Year 4 Class Teacher (Beech)
Mr Luke Tickner Year 4 Learning & Progress Leader (Pine) Miss Hollie Callaway Year 4 Class Teacher (Maple) Mrs Anne Langford Learning Support Assistant Mrs Karen Matkowski Learning Support Assistant Mrs Debbie Smith 1:1 Learning Support Assistant Mrs Melanie Smith 1:1 Learning Support Assistant Miss Jenny Carpenter 1:1 Learning Support Assistant

3 Curriculum Overview Round and Round, Up and Down (Aut 1)
Survival of the fittest (Aut 2) Invade! (Spring 1 & 2) Transformers (Summer 1) Solent City (Summer 2)

4 Autumn 1: Topic overview Round and Round, Up and Down
As scientist we will be studying the forces of friction, magnets and gravity. We will investigate how forces make things move and stop and how forces are used in everyday life in context of our local playgrounds. As designers we will look at current playground equipment and use our findings to design our own pieces of playground equipment. Finally we will evaluate our designs. Through desktop publishing we will learn the skills such as text boxes, creating tables and creating shape. We will then use these to present our playground ideas.

5 Trips and visits… Visit a local play park - Autumn A
Marwell Zoo workshop - Autumn B RHS Wisley - Spring Portsmouth - Summer

6 Homework Supports classwork as well preparing children for the future
In school weekly challenges: Spellings- Secret 5 Times tables – Rockstars (online and paper) A typical week’s homework will consist of: 1 piece of English or 1 piece of maths

7 Times Tables Rockstars
Designed to help children learn and practice their times tables, with a focus on speed of recall. 3 weekly practices in school on paper Login online and play at home Create your own avatar and buy accessories with coins earnt Weekly certificates in collective worship Inter school competitions

8 Reading at home Children earn a house point for every time they record 20 reads Continue to work on reading sight words, segmenting and blending Beginning to read with increased fluency and adding appropriate intonation and expression At school focus is on comprehension skills such as inference and understanding of vocabulary

9 Our 6 learning behaviours
Resilience Independence Creativity Team work Critical thinking Reflection

10 Reminder. Bags – cubby holes P.E. bags (named)
School equipment provided Drinks bottles (named) Home School Diaries – communication, support Name Name

11 During the Summer… Continue reading a range of genres
Practise times tables Ensure your child can tell the time using analogue and digital clocks Practise Y3/4 statutory spellings

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