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Breeding & Genetics.

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Presentation on theme: "Breeding & Genetics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breeding & Genetics

2 How have animal breeds evolved?
Selective breeding the survival of favorable traits over time. Genetics is the study of heredity while a gene is the determinant of heritability. DNA carries the genetic material that influences the phenotypic and genotypic characteristics.

3 Goals Mothering abilities Meat Production True Qualities
Environmental Success

4 Sire Dam

5 Breeds are animals of the same species that share common traits.
Purebred animals are registered as a breed Bloodlines are groups of one breed that have a common ancestor.


7 Inherited Traits Color Milk production Horns Size Type


9 Aa AA aa Heterozygous- contain a dominant and a recessive gene.
Homozygous- both of the genes are the same. Either both dominant or both recessive. AA aa

10 Dominant- an allele that “outranks” a recessive allele.
P Recessive- is only shown when the dominant trait is not present. p Homozygous- a pair of identical genes. PP pp Heterozygous- a pair that contains different genes. Pp

11 P p p Pp pp p Pp pp Punnet Squares
Used to determine inherited traits of a cross. (dominant) P p p Pp pp (recessive) p Pp pp

12 Congratulations!!! You are now the PROUD owner of 15 Angus heifers. As the producer it is your job to make all breeding program decisions. You will soon have the opportunity to view multiple mating options but before that moment, please answer the following questions: List at least 3 physical characteristics you are seeking in a bull for your herd? What information will you ask for before making a decision?


14 Angus Sire Summary EPDs as of 12/28/12
Contestant #1 Angus Sire Summary EPDs as of 12/28/12 CED BW WW YW RADG YH SC DOC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat EPD 8 .2 54 99 .14 .1 .76 1 9 24 -3.71 23 .41 .52 .031


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