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Lecture 8 Psyc 300A.

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1 Lecture 8 Psyc 300A

2 Observational Studies
Naturalistic vs. Laboratory Naturalistic has high ecological validity Often need to code data Advantages Study behavior as it naturally unfolds Disadvantages: Many influences on behavior Subjective interpretation

3 Case Study Study a single person or group in great depth Advantage:
Can study complexity of individuals and rare phenomena Disadvantages: Don’t generalize well to other groups Case may be atypical Subjective interpretation

4 Survey Ask for self-reports from respondents Advantages:
Can get lots of info and compare with results from other studies Methodological considerations: Truthful responding Wording effects Response options Sampling

5 Surveys: Wording Effects
“Do you think sexual harassment in the workplace is wrong?” “Should a person be fired for telling an off-color joke at work?” Closed vs. open-ended questions Loaded questions Leading questions

6 Surveys: Response Options
“I believe the sentences for car theft (first offense) should be: a. probation only b. three months in jail c. six months in jail d. one year in prison e. two years in prison,

7 Surveys: Response Options
“I believe the sentences for car theft (first offense) should be: a. six months in jail b. one year in prison c. two years in prison d. five years in prison e. ten years in prison

8 Likert Scales A particular type of rating scale.
Psyc 300A requires too much homework. Strongly Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree

9 Who Will Be in Your Study?
What is a population? What is a sample? What is a representative sample? Probability vs nonprobability sampling

10 Probability (Random) Sampling
Simple random sampling Stratified random sampling Cluster sampling

11 Nonprobability Sampling
Convenience sampling Quota sampling Snowball sampling

12 Group Activity: Sampling
You want to conduct a survey of psychology students to find out about their occupational preferences. How would you do it using each kind of sampling? Simple random sampling Stratified random sampling Cluster sampling Convenience sampling Quota sampling Snowball sampling

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