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Real-time Uncertainty Output for MBES Systems

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1 Real-time Uncertainty Output for MBES Systems
Eric Maillard, George Yufit, Pawel Pocwiardowski RESON, Inc

2 Introduction What uncertainty? How is it measured?
Imperfect Sonar in a perfect world Sound speed assumed perfectly known No refraction correction Quantify random error in range or depth measurement How is it measured? Using classical formulas published by Simrad and IFREMER Adding our sonar specifics into them

3 Methodology Start with a set of formulas

4 Methodology Adapt to Sonar specific
e.g. bottom detection with blending

5 Methodology Use Monte-Carlo simulation to check the adaptation:
Simulate acoustic signal from bottom Apply beamforming and bottom detection Measure specific parameters: Number of points used in phase processing Blending coefficient

6 Output of Monte Carlo simulation

7 Adapting error model

8 Published models Simrad’s model IFREMER’s model
A priori model based on simple sonar characteristics Can be tuned to matched observed performances IFREMER’s model Using in-depth sonar modeling Accurate bottom detection characterization Environment dependant Increased level of complexity

9 Comparison on a simple case
30 meter depth, sandy bottom 400kHz 1.0 x 0.5 degree system 220dB source level

10 Comparison on a simple case
No baseline decorrelation No shifting footprint

11 Revisiting IFREMER’s model
Zero phase difference instant

12 Phase bottom detection random error
Linear regression Sample parameters from measured phase difference time series

13 Depth error

14 Increased model accuracy
Amplitude of signal varies according to Rayleigh law New estimation of phase noise Filtering of phase before regression No exact derivation Least Mean Square modeling

15 Phase measurement error
When N >> 1 With Rayleigh distribution modeling With phase filtering

16 Monte Carlo validation
Beam angle, degree. 45 52.2 60 Depth error, equation 2.58*10-4 2.94*10-4 3.39*10-4 Depth error, Monte - Carlo 3.23*10-4 2.87*10-4 4.41*10-4 SNR at array output 20 dB, depth 25 m

17 Experimental validations
SeaBat 400kHz Three environments Tank Harbor (boat and sonar static) In open water Boat drifting Sonar mounted over-the-side

18 Tank test Set the sonar on a rigid frame
Try to maximize coverage given confined space Collect series of pings at high ping rate Statistical analysis is not concluding Need to get more realistic environment

19 Harbor test Set-up Very shallow water
Increase incident angle range by tilting and rotating sonar

20 Typical data

21 Bottom topology Average depth computed over 60 pings

22 Uncertainty

23 Real life versus models
Actual results better than prediction Too small number of pings IFREMER and RESON models match experimental data on phase detection Too pessimistic on amplitude detection

24 Effect of pulse length Amplitude detection proportional to pulse length Check validity of models

25 Open sea test Bottom topology (without refraction correction)

26 Uncertainty results

27 Conclusions Better match between model and experimental data at larger depths Still Shallow Water  Some more tuning of model is required Real-time output measures environmental conditions Validation for other SeaBat will follow

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