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Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC

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1 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Subcommittee 4 Wireless and ISM equipment measurements Bob DeLisi Chair 2019 May 03

2 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Motions SC4 seeks approval from the Main Committee for membership, duties and scope as documented on next 3 slides

3 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Membership of Subcommittee Name Role in SC Affiliation Antola, Mike Member Resideo Case, David Vice Chair Cisco Systems Chen, Zhong ETS-Lindgren DeLisi, Bob Chair UL LLC Dickten, Thomas GC Consulting Elliott, William (Mac) TÜV SÜD America, Inc. Friden, Jonas Ericsson AB Graff, William TÜV Rheinland of North America Hodes, Harry Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. Hoolihan, Dan Hoolihan EMC Consulting Jones, Steve FCC Laboratory Kiemel, Greg Element Materials Technology Klinger, Jeff Compatible Electronics Kramer, Doug Lee, Edmund Apple Inc. Mansergh, Dan Mendoza, Ernesto Signify Moongilan, Dheena Nokia Bell Labs Nixon, Jason Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Pino, Dan PCTEST Engineering Laboratory Repella, John * Washington Labs Sigouin, Dan DHS-EMC Skoglund, Kenth Terrien. Mark Keysight Technologies Waitt, David Consultant Ward, Dennis Zimmerman, Dave Spectrum EMC, LLC Total members – (* New member)

4 Duties of Subcommittee 4
Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Duties of Subcommittee 4 C American National Standard for Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices C American National Standard of procedures for compliance testing of transmitters used in licensed radio services C American National Standard of procedures for compliance testing of lighting products C American National Standard of procedures for compliance testing of Wireless Power Transfer products C American National Standard for compliance testing of Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Equipment

5 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Scope of Subcommittee 4 Subcommittee 4 is responsible for writing and maintaining existing and proposed C63® standards for wireless and ISM devices (e.g. lighting, wireless power transfer, Industrial and dielectric heaters, and similar equipment), as assigned by the Main Committee ASC-C63®.

6 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C63.10 Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices 26 Attendees and 6 Guests 802.11ax technology testing issue Based on FCC interim guidance for testing ax, it was discussed if the previously added test reduction testing guidance added to C63.10 was sufficient. The working group decided that the current text is enough to cover the combinations that need to be tested at this point in time since ax is not completely mature and that further guidance would be for the next revision or an amendment to C63.10. Duty cycle for CISPR Quasi-peak detector testing A concern was raised with the current text in C63.10 that requires testing at 100% duty cycle, when the system duty cycle is less. The working group provided updated test to clarify when a reduced duty cycle would be accepted.

7 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C63.10 Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices Comment resolution from SC4 vote Reviewed and resolved the comments from SC4 20 comments received from 3 SC4 members, 14 editorial comments were all accepted and 6 technical comments were resolved by the WG Comment regarding the height of a loop antenna for measurements, since there were contradictions between three clauses. WG decided that all clauses will be harmonized on 1m above the ground plane. Comment regarding the WPT clause and how it applies. The working group edited the text to clarify that it only applies to WPT devices that transmit intelligent data on the power transfer frequency. 2 comments (UNII and DTS clauses) that required some clarification on how to perform the delta marker method or integration method at the bandedge. The working group modified the text to be clear and add the integration method reference Comment regarding the need to test RFID readers to be tested with and without passive tags. WG updated the text to require testing with representative tags. Comment requesting that the 1/T reduced VBW test method in the DTS clause be permitted for any duty cycle condition and not only the non-constant duty cycle. This is already permitted under the UNII procedures. The WG accepted this comment. Recirculation ballot to be conducted in SC4 to review changed information. Then the document will be moved to the main committee.

8 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C63.26 Procedures for compliance testing of transmitters used in licensed radio services 41 attendees in person and 8 on webinar, Topics of discussion at the WG included mmWave JTG (Joint Task Group) Presentation and discussion of mmWave (28 GHz) EIRP, TRP, and Conducted Power Draft Measurement Procedures TG work nearly complete Procedures to be integrated into draft revised Standard before next F2F NOTE: FCC as adopted the draft text to issue KDB guidance until the next edition of C63.26 is published. 76-81 GHz Vehicular Radar TG Presentation and discussion of Vehicular Radar (FMCW and Pulsed) Draft Measurement Procedures TG work nearing completion Procedures to be integrated into revised C63.26 Standard before next F2F NOTE: likely to become a KDB once work is completed. Multi-beam (MIMO) mmWave EIRP Measurements TG Presentation and discussion of draft procedures for summing EIRP over multiple antenna beams and empirical method for determining actual radiated far-field distance TG work complete Will be integrated into draft standard revision before next F2F Signal Booster TG Status report provided Some remaining new work identified Will provide estimated completion date for inclusion into draft revision of standard. Goal to have SC4 a draft after next face-to-face in November 2019.

9 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C63.29 Procedures for compliance testing of lighting products The Working group continues to make progress. Dimmer test methods continue to be discussed to determine the operating conditions (with triac enabled and triac not enabled). Input power tolerance is currently being discussed between requiring 2% tolerance and 5% tolerance. The WG will be referencing relevant C63.4 material to not duplicate information in the draft and keep the draft focused on methods to complete the draft. The WG expects to be completed by September 2019 (stretch goal) or by Q (long term goal)

10 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C63.30 Procedures for compliance testing of Wireless Power Transfer products Radiated emissions EUT arrangement and method Short presentation on discussions related to the “SAE” method vs. “traditional” method and the proposed resolution. The “SAE” method application will be restricted only for passenger vehicles, not mopeds / lawn mowers, neither larger vehicles (bus). Still to discuss and agree if the “traditional” method should in fact be in the body of the document. Continued reviewing the draft document Text brought in clause 9 from Annex D was reviewed (on EUT boundary). A proposal for modification or restriction in the requirement to apply the margin to each emission when the circle was used instead of the periphery. Goal is have draft to SC4 in 2019 but this is contingent on the testing below 30MHz that is underway

11 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C63.31 Compliance testing of Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Equipment 20 present in the room, 3 present on-line Basic ISM test methodology Presented the first complete draft of the new standard Began the process of resolving outstanding issues. In Situ Test Methodology Define test methodology for where In Situ testing can be performed, i.e., at the end location, or at the manufacturer’s site. Commonality with other ANSI Standards Ongoing challenge is to continually update sections having commonality with other standards as these standards change (e.g. using portions of drafted C63 standards such as C63.4). Goal is have draft to SC4 at the end 2019.

12 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Other Happenings In SC4 To Quasi-Peak or not to Quasi Peak - for unlicensed wireless devices should we consider proposing removal of the QP detector for radiated emissions measurements - move to using average detector with a limit to peak detection - Things to consider: - how many products would become non-compliant - what is the impact within FCC and ISED Canada rules A task group will be formed to further explore this. First task is to make some measurements utilizing a vector signal generator to simulate different modulations and/or waveforms to study the impact of the proposed change. Additional testing on some products will also be made by AARL for this study. Next steps are to view the data at next Face-to-Face and determine what next steps are to be (recommendations to FCC and ISED Canada, determine further study if needed, etc.)

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