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Personalization by Role

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1 Personalization by Role

2 Mobile App - Parent Household Size Worksheet (Parent, Student, Preparer views of page)
The 3 screenshots on this slide represent the 3 versions of the parents household size worksheet. On the far left is the parent’s version of the question. You can see that it indicates “your” in the question. In the middle is the student’s version of the question. In this instance, it indicates “your parent’s”. Finally on the far right is the preparer’s version of the question. In this instance it indicates “the parent’s”. This level of customization is seen throughout the app and is driven based on the role that was selected by the user prior to beginning the FAFSA.

3 Help Topic Example

4 Mobile App – Help Topic (1st example)
On each view that Help is available, a question mark (?) icon is displayed. When selected, the help text will display for each question/option on the view. In this case, the help text is displayed as an accordion that is collapsed. When each section is accessed, it will remain open until the applicant or parent closes it.

5 Mobile App – Help Topic (2nd example)
On each view that Help is available, a question mark (?) icon is displayed. When selected, the help text will display for each question/option on the view. In this case, the help text is displayed as an accordion that is collapsed. When each section is accessed, it will remain open until the applicant or parent closes it. In addition, you can see how the tables will appear within the help text.

6 Examples of Edits

7 Mobile App – Edit Examples (Student Financials and Student Information Field Edits)
In the first screenshot, you can see an error that is displayed directly below the question. These types of edits display as the user moves through the application when incorrect information has been entered or if a required field was left blank. In the second screenshot, there is a Verification Required edit that is displayed. In this case, the user will be instructed of the concern and then they will either need to update the data or select the “OK” button.

8 Mobile App – Edit Examples (Edits for Multiple Fields)
This is an example of the Error Found message that displays. In this case, more than one question may need to be changed before proceeding and they are all displayed on one view. For these errors, the user must update the incorrect information before proceeding. These types of errors are typically encountered at the end of the application.

9 Auto-Zero EFC (skipping the remaining financial questions)

10 Mobile App – Auto-Zero EFC and Simplified Needs Test Skip Logic Page Examples
These views display based on the applicant/parent’s AZ and SNT eligibility, assuming their state allows skipping of questions.

11 Special Guidance views

12 Mobile App – Special Guidance (Special Circumstances example)
This view is displayed for applicants who indicate they have a special circumstance. In this case, they will need to continue their application in FAFSA on the Web (

13 Mobile App – Special Guidance (Personal Identifier Change, FSA ID Mismatch example pages)
These are the various views that could display if the PII entered is changed or does not match their FSA ID account.

14 Mobile App – Special Guidance (Redirect to FOTW for FAFSA Completion example)
This is the guidance view that displays when the system determines that you have to finish your FAFSA on The system automatically saves the application and provides a link to FOTW.

15 Additional Resources

16 Mobile App – Additional Resources Location
Within the mobile app, the additional support resources are located in the menu which is accessed at the top of each view by the hamburger icon. (three lines in the top right hand corner)

17 Privacy Mobile App – Additional Resources Examples (Privacy, Profile, StudentAid.Gov pages) Profile The view that allows you to access the privacy information information from the website. This is accessed by selecting the “Privacy” option in the menu. The view that allows you to access your profile information from the website. This is accessed by selecting the “Profile” option in the menu. The view that allows you to access the website. This is accessed by selecting the “” option in the menu.

18 Mobile App – Additional Resources Example (StudentAid
Mobile App – Additional Resources Example (StudentAid.Gov Link to Loan Information) The view that allows you to access your federal loan information from the website. This is accessed by selecting the “myFederalLoans” option in the menu.

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