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The Next Big Thing! Presented by Adebiyi Aromolaran June, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "The Next Big Thing! Presented by Adebiyi Aromolaran June, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Next Big Thing! Presented by Adebiyi Aromolaran June, 2017

2 Content Remember Barter? The World Wide Web (www)
Launch of E-payment Systems Evolution of Payment Possibilities Quick Fact A Case for Innovation Looking Ahead Catching Up Flutterwave

3 Remember Barter? Have you ever imagined how the world would look like if we still had to pay for goods with grains or livestock?

4 The World Wide Web (www)
The adoption of e-payment is directly linked to the beginning of the internet, which revolutionized the world like nothing before it. After all, if there were no World Wide Web, there wouldn’t be e-services.

5 Launch of e-payment systems
As the internet developed, pioneer online payment services started to operate in the first half of the 90s. Expectedly, the first online payment systems weren’t user-friendly at all and required specialized knowledge of encryption or data transfer protocol. The majority of the first online services were using micropayment systems and their common attribute was the attempt to implement the electronic cash alternatives (such as e-money, digital cash or tokens).

6 Evolution of Payment Possibilities
Most of the modern payment systems are easy to use with the payment process minimized to just a few simple steps. They are website or app based, which means there is no need to install a distinct software or buy special equipment, which was the case a few years ago. Nowadays, systems are available from any device connected to the internet.

7 Quick Fact! According to the World PaymentS Report (2016) Cards remains the fastest growing payments instrument since 2010, while cheque usage has consistently declined for at least the past 13 years.


9 A Case for Innovation With a rapidly growing number of customers managing their finances electronically and using their cards or smartphones to pay for goods and moving away from cash, sustained disruption and innovation in payment systems is easy to predict Its already established that people are using less physical cash and that this trend is only going to continue. The fact is that cashless card and smartphone payments are on the rise globally

10 Looking Ahead – Digital Assistants
Intelligent and capable of knowing consumer behaviours, personal assistants are the way of the future. Imagine walking into a favorite store, and, based on your location and previous searches, your digital assistant knows where you are, what products you’re interested in and what direction you should go to get them. For instance, Google has been collecting similar data on consumer behaviours. With all that information, Google will now has the ability to interact with consumers on a more personal level.

11 Looking Ahead – NFC With mobile usage on the increase and mobile capabilities rapidly advancing, all signs point to mobile payments becoming commonplace – and NFC will be leading the charge. In fact, the Global NFC Transaction Market is is expected to post a compound annual growth rate of almost 50% from    With Google Wallet and Apple Pay continuing to make inroads, the concept of the digital wallet is gaining steady momentum. It has been predicted that “One day, we’ll all be paying for things with our phones, and NFC is the ticket to that future.”

12 Looking Ahead – Digital Currency
Cryptocurrency transactions would represent a big change for traditional banks, though majority are understandably adopting a “wait and see” or “fast follower” approach, reflecting the relatively unproven nature of the technology, particularly in the more complex domain of largescale payments. While the exploration of the applicability of this technology is still in its infancy, there is clearly a great deal of potential around blockchain.

13 Catching Up Continuous Innovation Agile Strategy Continuous Learning
Agility will allow organization make quicker decisions, scale up and down more efficiently, become better innovators on a repeatable basis Curiosity, flexibility and rapid learning are pre-requisites to the ability to evaluate success based on tangible measurement criteria Innovation “has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have. When Apple came up with the Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 times more on R & D. It's not about money. It's about the people you have, how you're led, and how much you get it.”– Steve Jobs Agile Strategy Continuous Learning Continuous Innovation

14 At Flutterwave we provide the technology, infrastructure and services to enable global merchants, payment service providers and Pan African banks accept and process payments on any channel (Web, Mobile, ATM & POS). We help businesses in Africa go global by smoothening the exchange of funds in 150+ currencies.

15 We have a commitment to;
provide innovative world-class payment technology and infrastructure for Africa; provide simplified but powerful tools for a growing ecosystem of African developers innovating in financial technology; connect every African to the global economy in a simple, safe and secure way.

16 We expect the future to be one of varied and increasingly ambitious disruption in the e-payment domain driven by continuous technological innovation. This innovation will drive valuable insights enabling the developments of new products and services, transforms systems and processes to dramatically reduce cost and enable organizations that are ready for it to be increasingly agile and able to respond to competitive threats.

17 Thank you

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