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2 [æ] [ei] [Λ] [d] [s] [a:] [o:]

3 A-t, t-m-table, h-st-ry, -nifo-m, sc-enc-,
-hysi-al educ-ti-n, in-orma-ion tec-nolog-, l-ter-tur-, dr-ma

4 Welcome to Russia! Welcome to Russia! Welcome to Russia! Welcome to Russia! Welcome to Russia! Welcome to Russia!







11 Would you like to visit Sankt – Petersburg ?



14 Our class album

15 комната

16 we Learn poems by heart Draw and paint pictures Do experiments
Work hard Study events in the past we Learn words and translate texts Learn how to use computers Solve difficult problems Run, jump and play

17 I am Ann. I am from Britain. I study in the fifth
form and lern Histori, Rusian, Mafs, Drama and some other subjects. I like to study langviges and Sience.

18 Do you homework every day! Come to school in time! Be kind and polite!
Make your lessons interesting! Only give good marks! Don’t give too much homework!

19 каникулы

20 HOMEWORK: P.22 Ex.19 Write a letter to one of these English pupils. Tell him/her about your summer holidays.

21 школа Welcome to our school !

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