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Plan, Strategy and Execution of a Successful Upgrade

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2 Plan, Strategy and Execution of a Successful Upgrade
B C Actual Case Study of a leading Health Care organization Minith Patel Enterprise InfoSol

3 A-B-C of upgrade Plan Strategy Execution
Identify What needs to be done – Scope and Assessment Resources with task definition Timeline with check points Testing and Roll back plan Strategy Phase wise Check points Test Plan Resourcing Project Management Execution Keep close eye on the process with check points Document setup Ensure Checklists are followed

4 About Upgrade XIR2 Windows 2003 server SQL 2005 Cluster Environment
IBE 2.6 No updates since last 8-10 years

5 New Requirement BO Upgrade IBE Upgrade Cascading changes

6 Upgrade Assessment Study to understand current environment and see how it being used Understand Licensing Need Identify Important reports for UAT by IT Adoption of best practice Infoburst upgrade plan

7 Old Environment Cluster environment (Dev/Test/Prod) Infoburst Server
16 total Webi processing servers 250 Deski reports (for conversion) 200 IT qualified reports (for testing)

8 Challenges Major Version upgrade
About 250 deski reports (majority scheduled) Change in Domain New network locations SSRS reports with IBE SQL server Upgrade NO internal resources to assist Did not use best practice Training and Transition

9 Recommendation Recommended to follow a Combination Model for the new 4.2 version of business objects. Dev/Sandbox and Test Environment( on single server) Production (application single server but with separate tomcat server) Note*  Development and Testing was all done on same/single server, Also users access Production reports from the same server, so it is recommended to have 3 separate installs of Business Objects. Dev/SandBox (POC) server Use for POC/Learning (test patches, updates, new 3rd party products etc.) Admins only access Test Server Users Develop and QA in this repository Limited Power user’s access that can test these reports. Production server Clean repository with accounted and cataloged inventory End users access This Model will introduce new Development server and help reduce Sessions and License Usage from the production server, also Production environment will be cleaner with reports that are used on enterprise level. Also a new POC (sandbox Server) is recommended for any internal testing

10 License Change Authentication Windows AD Total users 333
Connected in last 6 Months 252 Not connected for 6 Months 81 Max sessions 410 Min sessions 23 Reports scheduled in BO 137 Max users Login 76 Min users Login 15 Average session count 52 Average user login 38 Two time frames are taken into study of Sessions and User login activity. 2015 to 2016 (few months data is missing due to auditing turned off) 2017 Auditing was turned on in 2015 August with required event capturing settings. Activity 2015 2016 2017 Max Sessions 410 336 353 Max User Logon 76 75 68

11 License Change OLD environment had 300 concurrent user license
New Environment has 50 Named and 30 concurrent user license From Cluster to Single server From Enterprise to Edge Over 50% in savings Studied Auditing and Identified top users Internal Developer team and Power users

12 Change in Architecture

13 Plan

14 High Level Plan Install and Setup BO 4.2 Prod Inventory and cleanup
Find unused and non relevant objects and archive them Clean repository by running tools such as REPO Scan Stage BO 4.2 (POC for migration) Install BO 4.2 SP3 (setup db connection) Perform migration of contents (note and resolve errors) Test certain universes and reports (special case) Install and Setup BO 4.2 UAT Migration of contents Deski to Webi conversion Webi regression testing Install and Setup BO 4.2 Prod Setup Prod environment with required security and migrate documents from dev 4.2 Setting up Infoburst with new converted Webi reports and test UAT Delta catchup (migrate new reports from XIR2 and get them production ready) Training GO Live

15 Moving Content Create “Upgrade These reports” Folder Use Same Security
Move everything to UAT, test there and then promote to prod Used “Check Relationship” feature in CMC Manually setup ODBC’s on server

16 Testing IT reports by consultants UAT 360 Bind for Webi reports (200)
Manual testing for Deski reports (250) UAT Users where trained on version of BO Users were given 8 weeks to test reports after training

17 Task Distribution Project Manager (part time)
Keep things on track, remove road bocks and move things faster 3 Developers (but 1.5 full time) Environment setup, Webi regression testing and IBE rebuild Deski to Webi, IBE rebuild IBE Rebuild Client resources Folks with knowledge and experience who can provide answers DBA (part time) Assist with data related issue

18 Training and Transition - BO
Custom Training developed using internal data Simple users (2 hrs.) Vs Power users (8 hrs.) User Training for up to 6 weeks (250 users) 3 training slots per week (30 max users per class) Only users who attend training will get access to UAT environment for testing their reports Issue Rectification for up to 8 weeks “Upgrade this Folder” GO-Live No edit access in OLD BO (view only) Parallel run for 3 months

19 Training and Transition - IBE
2 day ICE training for IBE users Infoburst jobs were released by folder (each week there were set number of schedules released and monitored for 2 runs) Released jobs where paused in old environment Transition took 6 weeks Simulate mode of testing was used for IBE to figure out most of the issues. 10% testing rule was followed

20 Pre Installation – Check List (Server)
Prerequisites Done Hardware setup Service Account setup Software download CMS and Audit Database creation and Connection setup (ODBC, TNS file name etc) Check server specification (ram, cpu, disk space) Turn off firewall Turn off antivirus DEP – turn ON DEP for essential windows programs and services only In control panel under users and groups change the option for USER account control to “never notify” Install .net framework 3.5 or higher Install MS visual C service pack1 redistributable package MFC security UpdateX86 and X64 executables Install MDAC 2.8 Enable Windows 8.3 filename support name creation. Install is member of local admin group User/service account has local security policy of Act as part of operating system ​IPV4 is preferred over IPV6     ©InfoSol 2019

21 Simple Post install checklist
Task Done License Platform Search – setting and schedule Auditing basic setup and settings – Auditing Universe and reports Version Management – check Sub version settings CMC servers (Split APS) (set destination/ in AJS, Add more processing servers) Default settings in Job and processing servers Hot backup (enable hot backup) Authentication – Windows AD,etc. SSO Setup instances Limits on folders (top level security) File store – Location (locally hosted, set up on NAS) Promotion Manager (setup of systems, source and destination) Information Steward – setting and connection Test (perform a series of tests from connection creation to refreshing a report in webi) ©InfoSol 2019

22 Basic Test Checklist Done Task New Connection New Universe New Report
New Universe New Report New Promotion New User Login and SSO New User Security (folder and group) New Versioning of Object New log files New Schedules (to , SharePoint etc) ©InfoSol 2019

23 Lesson’s Learned Single Environment usage is impractical to manage for self service BI (dev/test/prod all in 1) BO can only be directly upgraded to 4.2 SP3 from lower versions (XIR2, 3.1 etc) Project Management is Key Constant Communication with business and management Train the Trainer

24 Accomplishment’s Lower application and maintenance cost
New Low tier environments Segregation of Test and Prod data Improved Infoburst Process Clutter Clean up ROI time Plans to use new BO platform more

25 Key Focus on any upgrade
Assessment Environment Setup Content migration Testing UAT Implement Freeze Go-live and Support

26 Future Projects IBE TAB SSRS via Infoburst Dashboard possibility

27 Questions ? The End おわり-owari समाप्त-samapt અંત-aant Minith Patel

28 Thank You!

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