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Communication with PowerPoint

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2 Communication with PowerPoint
Marketing Communications BGC

3 Applying this Template
Use the text boxes and reapply layouts They will automatically take on the general appearance of the template, but some slides will still need to be manually adjusted When creating new slides, always choose a preformatted slide layout and insert date into the slide layout textboxes. If data was not created in slide layout textboxes, it will NOT be formatted.

4 Applying this Template
Bulleted text or body copy could go here. This is a two column grid page. Begin with intro copy here, continue with bullets to the right. Bulleted copy on this side Tell more about what’s on the left Site specific examples

5 Heading text, Decrease font size to 29 for 2 Lines
Use the text boxes and reapply layouts They will automatically take on the general appearance of the template, but some slides will still need to be manually adjusted When creating new slides, always choose a preformatted slide layout and insert date into the slide layout textboxes. If data was not created in slide layout textboxes, it will NOT be formatted.

6 “Another option is to transition to a new section with a quote.”
Byline Copy Title of Individual Above

7 Section Header could go here
Followed by a subtitle or speaker Speaker title would go in italics

8 Applying this template (Secondary Color Options)
Add tasteful pictures or clipart to help illustrate a point, but do not overuse Create builds for a purpose Use when speaking specifically to a bullet and/or to bring attention to a point or image Selectively highlight words by using UPPERCASE and or type or COLOR

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