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A Peek At What We Are Learning Social Studies/ Science

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Presentation on theme: "A Peek At What We Are Learning Social Studies/ Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Peek At What We Are Learning Social Studies/ Science
Our Classroom News May What’s Happening This Month A Note From The Teachers May 1- Field Trip-Childrens Museum May 6-10-MKAS for Kindergarten students May 6-10-Teacher Appreciation Week May 8-School Nurse Appreciation Day May Kindergarten Play May 17-Kindergarten Ocean Day May 20-Art’s Field Day May 21-Awards Day May 22-PBIS Celebration May 23-60% day-Student’s last day Practice Sight Words Daily. Practice addition and subtraction. READ each night. Make it fun! Please make sure your child is at school each and every day. A Peek At What We Are Learning Reading Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Long Vowel sounds, Ending Sounds, Rhyming Patterns, Syllables, Characters, Setting, Beginning, Middle, End of a story, Main Idea, Key details, Antonyms, Synonyms Writing Practice Opinion Writing Math Practicing counting every night, Counting forward from any number, Comparing numbers 1-20, Describing the length and weight of objects, Identifying 3 Dimensional Shapes, Decomposing Numbers, Subtraction, Measurement, Word Problems, Sorting, Classifying, and Categorizing Data (Graphing) Social Studies/ Science Insects, Frogs, Plants[ Recycling/ Wants and needs/ Maps Sight Words father, love, going, any, under, over, could, because, where, before, after, don’t, their, from, would, should, now, by, first, down, long, some, please, thank, next

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