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Fear and Loathing in Explainability and Transparency: A Savage Journey to the Heart of AI What we wanted was flying cars, what we got was 140 characters.

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Presentation on theme: "Fear and Loathing in Explainability and Transparency: A Savage Journey to the Heart of AI What we wanted was flying cars, what we got was 140 characters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fear and Loathing in Explainability and Transparency: A Savage Journey to the Heart of AI What we wanted was flying cars, what we got was 140 characters What we wanted was a 4hr work week, what we got was GDPR artificial intelligence for the real world

2 "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.“ Arthur C Clarke Relying on magic doesn’t make us feel great… when it is about our lives does drive fear and uncertainty and doubt

3 But what do we have to explain?
Things going wrong w/ AI: Algorithmic capability Data Results objective

4 Add to this that we are facing a crisis in trust.
Truth about fake news, but also about hiring practices and marketing manipulation. What’s a CEO to do?

5 “That’s just a lie” No, it is context. Who provides the context?! – YOU!

6 Let me repeat… YOU PROVIDE CONTEXT!

7 What is the context of your AI? Its TRINITY

8 Lots of choice in AI chickens
The boxes at the bottom are how transparent the AI is in these tribes.

9 Tribes another way.

10 Night vision goggles for neural nets/deep learning
This is sensitivity analysis. What is the algorithm most sensitive to. Why isn’t this done more? B/c it takes lots of compute time, and lots of recompute time. And this will tend to correlation versus causation. The moral of the story is: if you need explainability, you can get it

11 And, also be aware of the common cold
Expect bugs

12 The point: Know your chickens
their breeds and breeders

13 Now, about that egg on your face

14 You need to know the egg supply chain
The effectiveness of [AI] systems is limited by the machine's current inability to explain their decisions and actions to human users. – DARPA, 2016

15 This means… The eggs come first!
Now I will tell you the secret… the data comes first. This means… The eggs come first!

16 My moment on AI Secret

17 Product WOW food chain… “it’s the org, stupid”
Data AI Apps Cultivators, curators, instigators, innovators, understanders, whisperers of the data & They are motivated by WOW!

18 The point: Eggs are best free range
and minimally processed

19 The chicken is involved, the pig is committed
You are committing your company. Google Gorillas, Microsoft Tays, Amazon toilet seats and funeral urns.

20 [here my head just explodes] YOU (as CEO) are responsible for this kind of culture. Someone in your org could be equating explaining to people why their life is being changed negatively to dust under a bed. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. YOU CANNOT BLAME TECH.

21 This is not about artificial intelligence.
This is about human intelligence. It wasn’t a s/w bug. HUMANS decided to set the false positive indicator so high that when TWO of the systems that were in place for this identified her as something to brake for… they didn’t brake because of where that indicator was set. THAT WAS A HUMAN DECISION, not an algorithm decision. Leaders often try to start their kitchens by hiring those folks who’ve been building microwave parts their whole lives but have never cooked a thing.

22 We need you! The point: Metrics have no moral compass
But we do… Tell Meetup story re technical meet ups.

23 A chicken, eggs and bacon walk into a bar…
660 million users Avg use 60x/month Passed Turing test Shut down in ~18h

24 AI gives you plenty of opportunity for explainability & transparency
With the right framework AI gives you plenty of opportunity for explainability & transparency

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