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Clean Air Act Grants and Funding Update

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Presentation on theme: "Clean Air Act Grants and Funding Update"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clean Air Act Grants and Funding Update
2019 Spring Grants/Planning Meeting 5/22/2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

2 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Agenda FY 2019 Budget Status Update, NPM Guidance FY 2020 Budget Update on Multipurpose Grant Funding Status of Grants (Final awards for 2019) MJO Funding & Holdback Certification Process FY 20 Air Planning Agreement/NPM Guidance Grant Applications Schedule of Activities Grant Reminders Contacts 5/22/2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

3 FY 2019 Budget Status Update
FY 2019 Federal Budget Omnibus Budget at FY 2018 levels 3.25% Rescission (2.2% in FY 18) Operating Plan/Funding loaded March 20th at 90% level for OAR Final OAR allocations loaded on 4/30/2019 Other Budget Info – $11 MM Multipurpose Funding & $87 MM DERA 5/22/2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

4 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2020 Budget President’s Budget request – Similar to FY 2019 request for State/local air quality management Normal Congressional Appropriations Process to play out in FY Timing? Includes Proposal for $10MM Multipurpose funding Importance of Maintaining Open Communication Channels 5/22/2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

5 FY 18/19 Multipurpose Grant Funding
FY18 - $10 MM, FY19 $11 MM Funds Awarded together, State amount is ~$17.3M (post-rescission), 15% set aside for tribes State Agencies get a $50K base amount + a supplemental amount, based on the state agency’s FY17 STAG Continuing Environmental Program (CEP) funding Eligible recipients are state agencies that execute any of the PPG-eligible CEPs Eligible activities include anything done under the 18 CEPs Funding vehicle is up to the state agency: standalone grant or PPG Roll program out 4th qtr. FY19, with award of grants in 1st Qtr. 2020 5/22/2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

6 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Status of Air Grants Section 105 – Majority of final awards completed, 9 Grant awards pending in GMO. ** PM Final funding awards completed except for one grantee, complete by early June ** NATTS– Completed grant paperwork for FY 19 grant awards, anticipate final grant awards by end of June 2019. **See grant balance handouts. 5/22/2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

7 MJO Funding & Holdback Certification
Holdback Certification – requests submitted by 4/5/2019 to meet HQ 4/12 deadline for NACAA & AAPCA dues. Documented other contract support needs (e.g., sample analysis, etc.) SESARM, grant project period to be 1/1/2017 thru 9/30/2020, will be awarding travel/training & other holdbacks during 4th qtr. FY19 Metro 4 – Project period thru 2/6/2014 thru 9/30/2020, will be awarding local travel/training & other holdbacks during 4th qtr. FY19 5/22/2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

8 FY 2020 Draft Air Planning Agreement
Strategic Goals, Objectives and Measures updated to reflect final EPA Strategic Plan for FY Goal 1 of FY 20 APA includes one new commitment, a couple of deleted commitments, minor revisions to others & name changes under: Implement the hour Ozone NAAQS Implement the Regional Haze Program Ambient Air Monitoring Address Air Toxics Problems in Communities No changes to commitments under Monitoring and Enforcement other than name changes. No changes to commitments under Cross Cutting Issues. Refer to FY 20 Draft APA Mark-Up document in Grants and Funding folder. 5/22/2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

9 Grant Application Activities
Submit New 2 year Grant Applications for FY 2020 – FY 2021: Final Applications due by Aug. 1, 2019 via PPG States may have to submit new or supplemental applications depending on their grant project period and/or the States preference on the length of the multi-year project/budget periods. 5/22/2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

10 Section 105 Grant Activities Schedule
Due Dates Activity May 24 – June 21, 2019 Comment period for State and Local Agencies (SLAs) on Draft FY 20 Air Planning Agreement and Reporting Requirements documents. July 1, 2019 EPA announces the start-up of FY 20 APA negotiations. July 2, 2019 Draft FY grant applications shared with EPA APOs (optional). Aug 1, 2019 Final FY applications are due. Submit applications through Aug 2, 2019 SLAs’ responses to draft FY 20 APA commitments are due. Aug 5 - Sep 30, 2019 Review and negotiation phase of FY 20 APA commitments. October -November 2019 EPA sends letters to SLAs regarding FY 20 APAs. Dec 31, 2019 EPA awards grant funds to SLAs by the end of 1st quarter of FY Final Federal Financial Report and Annual Summary Reports are due.

11 Grant Updates/Reminders
Closing Out the Section 105 Grant Final Federal Financial Report due 12/31/2019 Maintenance of Effort, Match Requirements Final Report (Block 6 of FFR) Unliquidated Obligations Annual Summary Report – due 12/31 5/22/2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

12 CONTACTS Administrative Project Officers (APO):
Section 105/PM2.5 Grant Assignments: Gwendolyn Graf Alabama and Tennessee Angela Isom Florida Kristine Johnson Georgia (S. 105 only) Kentucky and South Carolina Artra Cooper Mississippi and North Carolina Georgia (PM2.5) Miya Smith Air Grant Coordinator

13 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Questions? 8/12/2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

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