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Fig. 3 Observed and modeled basal tilt rates.

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1 Fig. 3 Observed and modeled basal tilt rates.
Observed and modeled basal tilt rates. The tilt rates (5 day) for the basal inclinometers in 15Cb (A), 15S (B), and 14Sa (C). Top panel for each hole is the tilt rates for the bottom five inclinometers plotted versus basal distance traveled during the 2015–2016 winter. The line color corresponds to the inclinometer installation height in meters above the bed (mab), as plotted in the bottom panel. The bottom panel shows the same data plotted as interpolated surface. The right column shows the best-match modeled tilt rates (D to F) for inclinometers sliding across beds with different roughness characteristics. The model type and roughness are indicated in the plot title. The top panel shows modeled inclinometer tilt rates plotted against basal distance, and the bottom panel shows the magnitude of the modeled tilt rates adjacent to the bed and the flow paths (colored lines) for the modeled basal inclinometers. The line colors in the top panel correspond to the inclinometer flow paths in the bottom panel. Each model scenario plotted is the best match to the adjacent observed tilt rate patterns. Model outputs for all model scenarios are plotted in fig. S5. Nathan Maier et al. Sci Adv 2019;5:eaaw5406 Copyright © 2019 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC).

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