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The Professional Development of School Leaders

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1 The Professional Development of School Leaders
eTwinning – the opportunities

2 Background N Ireland 1.5 million population
0.3 million school age students Schools: nursery primary secondary 164 grammar special 20,000 teachers

3 Background – the RTU A professional development and
training organisation for the Northern Ireland education service covering all stages of school leadership Centrally funded An entitlement but not compulsory Core staff and associates Building communities of reflective practitioners

4 Characteristics of the school leader (Official)
National Standards for School Leaders (N I) six key areas: Shaping the future; Leading Learning and Teaching; Developing Self and Working with Others; Managing the Organisation; Securing Accountability; Strengthening Community.

5 Characteristics of the school leader (Personal)
Risk taker Curious Competitive Pro-active Entrepreneurs Responsible Reflective Synergizers Connected Isolated

6 What we have been doing Annual Conferences in Boston
Exchanges with Montgomery County - Maryland USA P2P – Finland, France, Netherlands Within the UK and Ireland

7 What do they say? What did I get out of this?
Mrs Anne Scott - Principal An insight into a another school whose schooling system is different I had the opportunity to broaden my thinking about uses of ICT as a Teaching and Learning tool The project presented an opportunity to challenge my thinking and afforded me the opportunity to benchmark the practices in my school against those in Molière.

8 What do they say? What impressed me? – Mrs Anne Scott
The enthusiasm of the staff with whom I worked. Whilst the pedagogy was quite different to my experience it was impressive to observe the individual drive of the staff to develop ICT for teaching and learning. The culture of independence of teachers tested staff to be creative and proactive about their style of teaching and personal development. The desire to make ICT a part of student centred learning on part of the teacher and to be able to exploit its use as a management tool.

9 What do they say? What did I get out of this?
Mrs Rosie Brittain - Principal Laid the foundations for future international collaboration Reinforced existing good practice Challenged chosen direction and priorities Gave a good example of children being responsible for their own learning Created a desire to continue this initiative

10 What do they say? What did I get out of this?
Mrs Kathleen Gormley - Principal Schools which develop their own systems e.g. VLEs or Management Information Systems tend to have more ownership of these Development of initiatives especially with regards to ICT should be considered more in a European forum – together we can do much more Other visits between the schools would be essential to widen and deepen the experience and result in more valuable learning.

11 Why do it? Develops critical professional friendships
Promotes professional and personal reflection It is good for morale Networking for staff and students as well Ideas Enjoyment

12 What works it is all about relationships
eTwinning is only a start - face to face meetings are vital involve other staff plans need to be flexible but a specific focus for an activity/link is vital information pre a first visit is never enough first contact/round of visits is really only the start

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