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A catalyst for Quality Local Production – factors for success

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1 A catalyst for Quality Local Production – factors for success
WHO Prequalification A catalyst for Quality Local Production – factors for success Africa Pharma Conference 2019 Johannesburg, South Africa Deus Mubangizi PQT Coordinator 4 – 5 June 2019

2 Outline of the presentation
Purpose and status of national regulation and impact on access WHO PQ – responding to the need for access to quality assured health products PQ scope, procedures, workflow and pipeline PQ timelines, challenges and response measures Noted challenges to manufacturers and proposed solutions Benefits of PQ WHO-PQT: Looking to the future Take home messages

3 Purpose of regulation: Promoting and protecting public health
                                      Promoting Health: Access Protecting Health: Market Control

4 1 2 3 4 WHO GBT Performance Maturity Levels ISO 9004
Continual improvement emphasized No formal approach Reactive approach Stable formal system approach WHO GBT Some elements of regulatory system exist Evolving national regulatory system that partially performs essential regulatory functions Stable, well-functioning and integrated regulatory system Regulatory system operating at advanced level of performance and continuous improvement Can ensure the quality of products if rely on ML 3/ ML 4 regulatory systems Target of WHA Resolution 67.20 Advanced and well resourced regulatory systems 100 Countries 44 Countries 50 Countries 74% 26% 12/08/2019 4

5 Status of National Regulatory Systems by Maturity Levels (ML) 194 WHO Member States
Facts 51% have limited capacity to perform core regulatory functions Applicants face a landscape of disparate regulations, frequent delays and limited transparency Implications Access to quality assured and safe medicines and vaccines in countries at ML 1 & 2 high risk of SF medical products Cost of inefficient regulatory systems drives up prices Regulators less prepared for public health emergencies

6 Background WHO responded to the need of procurement agencies and WHO Member States for quality-assured health products, by creating and applying quality-assurance mechanisms Vaccines Medicines Diagnostics Vector Control Origin: Request by UNICEF and PAHO to evaluate quality, safety and efficacy of vaccines in the context of national immunization programmes PQ beginning: 1987 Origin: Request by WHO MS to assess the quality, safety and efficacy of low-cost and new FDCs HIV/AIDS generic medicines in response to MDGs PQ beginning: 2001 Origin: Substandard performance of HIV assays in sub-Saharan Africa Response: HIV Test Kit Evaluation Programme (1988) For initiation & monitoring Tx PQ beginning: 2010 Origin: WHOPES set up in 1960 for evaluation of pesticides for public health. In 2015, WHO initiated reforms to foster innovation, improve efficiency, assure quality and align with other PQ programmes PQ beginning: 2017

7 Prequalification decision Expression of interest (EOI)
Prequalification workflow For each type of product, prequalification includes a comprehensive dossier assessment and a manufacturing site inspection, as well as other product-specific elements of evaluation NRA functionality Programmatic suitability Lab evaluation Dossier submission Screening Assessment Inspection capa Follow-up inspection Prequalification decision Expression of interest (EOI) Maintenance and monitoring Collaborative registration Routine inspections Special inspections Handling complaints Variations Annual reports Requalification Follow-up NOC Inspection closing letter Letter of prequalification Web listing Public reports (WHOPAR, WHOPIR)

8 ANTI-TUBERCULOSIS MEDICINES (last updated 29 April 2019)
ANTI-TUBERCULOSIS MEDICINES (last updated 29 April 2019) 1. Single ingredient first-line anti-tuberculosis medicines Number of individual FPPs prequalified Number of individual FPPs under assessment Ethambutol (E), coated tablet/capsule 200 mg Ethambutol (E), coated tablet/capsule 275 mg Ethambutol, coated tablet/ capsule 400 mg 4 Isoniazid, tablet /capsule 300 mg 5 Pyrazinamide (Z), film coated tablet/capsule 250 mg Pyrazinamide, tablet/capsule 400 mg 3 Pyrazinamide, tablet/capsule 500 mg Rifampicin, capsule 150 mg 2 Rifampicin, capsule 300 mg 1 Rifabutin, capsule 150 mg Rifapentin, tablets 150 mg Streptomycin, powder for injection 1g (vial) *  1 Streptomycin, powder for injection 0.75 g (vial) *

9 Median times to PQ for FPPs- Full assessment route
270 days

10 PQ’s response to long manufacturer’s time
Measures to try to reduce manufacturer time to prequalification Pre-submission meetings – Now mandatory for all new applicants – since late Gaps in QOS-PD discussed. Strict response timelines for manufacturers introduced – 30, 60 or 90 days depending on the deficiencies – since late 2017 Common Deficiencies in Finished Pharmaceutical Product (FPP) Dossiers – additional guidance to manufacturers - Feb 2018 Annual PQ Quality workshop for manufacturers - 1st in July 2018 an 2nd in July 2019 in Copenhagen, Denmark Model product dossier published to guide new applicants Specific guidance on Bioequivalence Studies – list of guidance continuously updated PQ review of manufacturer BE protocols before studies – always strongly recommended

11 Fast track to prequalification
= prompt, complete, good-quality responses to PQ’s questions, throughout the process. Good quality dossier at submission +

12 Challenges and suggested solutions
Limited R&D Inadequate pharmaceutical development Inadequate products and process knowledge Challenge addressing deviations and changes Challenge in sourcing and evaluation of raw materials Sourcing from brokers and distributors Batch to batch variations Inherent quality gaps built in the product Inadequate BE studies Poor design of BE studies Poor choice of comparator Poor GCP compliance Inadequate QMS/maintenance culture Deteriorating premises and equipment QMS not kept up-to-date Build R&D Capacity Partner with academia and research institutions Technology transfer Sourcing of raw materials Use prequalified APIs/CEPs Strategic partnerships Joint vendor audits Pooling orders BE studies Pre-approved protocols Use PQ listed comparators Build CRO capacity QMS/maintenance culture Preventive maintenance Develop a quality culture

13 Benefits for stakeholders
WHO prequalification serves as a guarantee of good quality for health products, is a reference in terms of internal technical expertise and has the power to convene external expertise Patients Access to quality-assured products, adapted to their specific needs Accurate prevention, diagnosis, and treatment WHO Member States & NRAs Reduced burden for regulatory approval Increased regulatory capacity & harmonization of regulatory practices in WHO MS Implementation of specifically developed and road-tested international guidelines Access to quality-assured products Donors, procurers and UN agencies List of prequalified products Increased availability of quality-assured products Monitoring quality of prequalified products Healthy market: diversity and affordability of products

14 Benefits for stakeholders
WHO prequalification serves as a guarantee of good quality for health products, is a reference in terms of internal technical expertise and has the power to convene external expertise Manufacturers Access to donor-sponsored tenders and MPP licences Faster regulatory approval – using CRP Timely assessment of variations and changes PQ of APIs - Sources of quality APIs International quality-assured product status (improved image) Recognition of GMP status, beyond prequalified products Increased capacity in quality management systems Target Product Profiles Harmonization of regulatory practices within WHO Member States Reduced operating and manufacturing costs QC labs International recognition of prequalified QCLs Technical assistance and scientific advice

15 WHO-PQT: Looking to the future
Continue to assess and facilitate access to quality assured health products. Gradually expand scope of PQ to cover more products on the EML through: setting up criteria for prioritisation and gradual scope expansion NCDs (Cancer/SBP pilot, Diabetes/Insulin, Hypertension, etc.) IVDs for Cholera, TB, NCDs, NTDs/Dengue Gradually expand the mechanisms for PQ through: Expand the abridged assessment of products approved by WHO Listed Authorities assessed using the GBT. Reliance on quality assured regional-network-joint-assessments. Expand mechanisms to evaluate new products developed with special focus on LMICs and emergencies (EU Art.58, Swiss EUL) Expand risk based approaches like ERP, ERPD and other mechanisms - Snake anti-venoms and other products on the EML.

16 Take home messages WHO Prequalification:
Contributes to access and achieving SDGs and UHC facilitates access to quality assured priority health products Role recognized by WHO 13th General Programme of Work: : The Organization will continue to support the availability of quality-assured generic products for procurement by global agencies and countries through the WHO prequalification programme, which will evolve to meet the changing health needs of countries. Has been instrumental in building national capacity for the manufacture, regulation and monitoring of medicines – promoting harmonization and convergence Stepped up global leadership: PQ has been recognized as a stamp of quality and a point of reference for QA for UN, International, regional and national procurement WHO Expert Committee on Specifications, Oct 2010

17 Prequalification team
Deus Mubangizi PQT Coordinator Diagnostics Irena Prat Medicines Matthias Stahl Vaccines Carmen Rodriguez Hernandez Vector control Marion Law Inspections Johanna Gouws Technical assistance & laboratories Rutendo Kuwana Collaborative registration procedure Luther Gwaza Dankie

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