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2nd orientation session with FTUC Affiliates,

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Presentation on theme: "2nd orientation session with FTUC Affiliates,"— Presentation transcript:

1 2nd orientation session with FTUC Affiliates,
13th June, FTUC Conference Room, Suva Find us on Facebook : 24/08/2019

2 Agenda Welcome and Introduction Aim & Objectives of session
1. To introduce the organisation and office 2. To familiarise with procedures of the Organisation and expected response from affiliates 24/08/2019

3 Structure Biennial Delegates Congress National Council
National Executive Board Youth Committee Communications Secretariat Women's Committee Workers Activities Policy Committee Organising 24/08/2019

4 Biennial Delegates Congress S8
Meets every two years Affiliate entitlements as per size of membership 8.3.1 Youth and Women Conferences – March and April Report of Activities & finance of 2 years Secretariat coordinates requirements with committees and reps . Proposals for activities/finance : Work- plan and progress/evaluation Proposals for amendments to the Constitution Endorsement of Office bearers AOB- with permission of NEB 24/08/2019

5 Biennial Delegates Congress S10
Election process: call for nominations and motions before the 28th day to the BDC – S10 Before 14 days nominations received -S10.2 Before 7 days, agenda circulated, motions and nominations approved by NEB for endorsement at BDC. – S10.3 24/08/2019

6 Call for nominations BY Secretariat
BDC Process eg: 3rd April latest – Call for nominations BY Secretariat 17th April - Nominations received and report to Board prepared NEB meeting 1st May - Agenda and Papers circulated 8th May - BDC Meetings 24/08/2019

7 National Council A executive body of affiliate leaders
Membership based of 2 reps each and 2 substitutes from each affiliate , youth and Women reps – 4 each At least 2 to 4 times a year or as required Reports from Committees and Representatives and Secretariat 24/08/2019

8 National Executive Board
Elected every two years at BDC , Next BDC – st & 2nd May, Nadi Composition : P, 4 VPs, at least two of which are women, S, 2 ANS, Treasurer . Total of 9 Plus Y and W Chairs as observers No union or rep is to hold more than 1 seat. 24/08/2019

9 Sub Committees: Organising – President , Daniel Urai
Workers Activities/ Events – ANS – Ms Latee Youth – VP Semisi Turagabaleti - FASA Women-VP Ms Miriama – SAUF Communications & Publicity - VP Teresa Ali Policy and Constitution Review/ Strategic Plan- NT, Mr AD Singh Coordination of all Committees : EO on behalf and in consultation with NS Additional VP and ANS- As delegated by the NS S e) NS is an ex-officio member of all Committees. For past 10 years, role has been delegated or shared with the EO/ Centre Administrator. 24/08/2019

10 International linkages
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)- Brussels International Trade Union Confederation Asia Pacific (ITUC-AP) – Singapore International Labour Organisation – Geneva ILC- Tripartite Representation Sectoral =EI, IUF, ITF, PSI, UNI, BWI, …….. COPE, SPOCTU. 24/08/2019

11 Role of Secretariat and Office
Workers Education / Administration - all workers activities and management of HQ, respond on nominations to trainings and other events, assistance for documents and reports, attend meetings on behalf of NS and NEB, coordinate with ILO, affiliate coordination, implement and monitor workplan of FTUC. Accounts- collection, sourcing, reporting and advice, due pays and reports to MOL. Communications- update of website, media connections , international communications, reporting on activities, research on TU news, provide info on activities , social media…. Admin support- communicate with affiliates, prepare for meetings, distribution, follow ups, etc. National Secretary Centre Administrator Portfolio- Workers Education Accounts – Part time officer Communications – vacant ( responsibilities shared by Admin & EO Administrative Support 24/08/2019

12 Events and External Committees
Events calendar on the website- frequent updates, mark the dates, CRC/policy committee – review of Constitution FTUC Strategic Plan to be ready by next year FTUC Work-plan – affiliates are to adopt at union level. OSH, ERAB, and sub-committees- active reps nominated 24/08/2019

13 Affiliate reports & actions
Reports from affiliates for BDC for the 2 year period- key achievements & challenges Trade Union Leaders Programme prior to BDC Organising Pledge – 10, 000 for Congress 2020 Global target 207 million to 250 million. Campaigns: NMW, Right to Strike, Law reform, Individual Contracts, FASA issues Training and capacity building – committees- international obligations New line of leadership is the key concern 24/08/2019

14 Finance: (Nilesh :
Fees due by beginning of every quarter, 1st Jan, 1st of April, 1st July, 1st October. S7.2.2 Invoices sent quarterly Bank transfers/ Cheque payment- no cash accepted Advice when payment made Reports to Treasurer , NEB, NC and (AR) – BDC Non- financial : S7.2.4 , 3 months overdue- no entitlement 24/08/2019

15 Finance Con’t We strongly encourage that all payments are made directly into our Bank account. The details are at the bottom of our invoice. All deposits to be marked : Name of Union – Qtr Cap Fees: Eg: NUMW -2ND Qtr or NUMW - INV7665 24/08/2019

16 Capitation Fees Structure
Capitation Fees Effective as at 1st October, 2018 Tier Membership Brackets Calculation New Rates at Max M/ship 1 0-200 Minimum Capitation Fees payable 85.00 2 95.00 3 $1.10 per members / Qtr 550.00 4 $1.05 per members / Qtr 1,050.00 5 $1.00 per members / Qtr 5,000.00 6 5001 + $0.95 per members / Qtr 6,650.00 24/08/2019

17 Capitation Fees Con’t Rates calculated at maximum membership for example if in tier 5 if a union has 4500 members than his Fees would be $4,500.($1.00 x 4500) This is also structured to encourage unions to organise as unions with more members will pay less per member. 24/08/2019

18 FTUC Contacts National Secretary –
Copy to for our file storage and back up in case of “emergencies” Executive Officer- Programmes and Administration/ Centre Administrator - Accounts- Admin Officer- Refrain from using compromised addresses such as national or for sending us s. 24/08/2019

19 Q & A Next round- of trainings for west members dates to be confirmed soon 24/08/2019

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