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In this PowerPoint… English: Author Presentation Reflection and Apostrophes Work Math Quiz and Homework Science Creature Feature Social Studies Test and.

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Presentation on theme: "In this PowerPoint… English: Author Presentation Reflection and Apostrophes Work Math Quiz and Homework Science Creature Feature Social Studies Test and."— Presentation transcript:

1 In this PowerPoint… English: Author Presentation Reflection and Apostrophes Work Math Quiz and Homework Science Creature Feature Social Studies Test and Performance Task English Character Analysis and Research Matrix Time

2 Marlin Work Days January 8-9

3 English: Reflection and Apostrophes
Go to Schoology. Complete the reflection about the author’s presentation. Then locate the Apostrophe Resources folder. Check out at least 3 resources in this folder and take notes about what you learn in your journal (not “Beat the Clock!” yet). When you have finished taking notes, discuss what you have learned with Mrs. Fritzinger. Then you may play “Beat the Clock!” Tuesday morning after the author

4 Math: Quiz Please complete the math quiz, and turn it in to Ms. Q. when you are finished. Tuesday afternoon (Schola)

5 Social Studies Science English
mATRIX Social Studies Study for your test tomorrow. Work on your performance assessment (due TOMORROW)! Science Complete your Creature Feature Research (due TOMORROW)! Complete your digital product (due TOMORROW)! Upload your digital product to Padlet (due TOMORROW)! English Work on your character analysis on the Google Doc provided on Schoology (due TOMORROW)! Finish apostrophes work. Find sources about your eminent person and take notes. Digital Portfolio Derivatives Activity on Math Work on your homework for the week-three Gizmos on Explore Learning (due SUNDAY). Advisory Finish work from Wednesday, December 12. Show it to a Marlin teacher when finished. Tuesday afternoon, if needed (Schola)

6 Please sit with your book clubs.
You need: your Chromebook, a pencil, your English journal, your classic novel, your science notebook, your planner, your purple portfolio, earbuds for and apostrophes videos, and anything else you need for any of your classes. This morning, you will be taking the social studies test first, then having work time to complete what needs to be finished today (in this order): Social Studies Performance Assessment. English Character Analysis. Science Creature Feature.

7 Social Studies: Test and Performance Assessment
Please complete the social studies test and turn it in on SchoolNet. The code is BY3ME6VE9. When you have finished your test, please complete your social studies performance assessment and turn it in to Google Classroom. Wednesday morning

8 When you have finished the MUSTs:
mATRIX MUST FINISH FIRST: Social Studies Finish your performance assessment (due TODAY)! English Work on your character analysis on the Google Doc provided on Schoology (due TODAY)! Science Complete your Creature Feature Research (due TODAY)! Complete your digital product (due TODAY)! Upload your digital product to Padlet (due TODAY)!  When you have finished the MUSTs: Math Work on your homework for the week-three Gizmos on Explore Learning (due SUNDAY). Finish apostrophes work. Keep finding sources about your eminent person and take notes. Digital Portfolio Derivatives Activity on Advisory Finish work from Wednesday, December 12. Show it to a Marlin teacher when finished. Wednesday afternoon-Schola

9 Please stack the chairs in groups of four.
You need: a pencil, your English journal, your classic novel, your Chromebook, your science notebook, your planner, your purple portfolio, earbuds for and apostrophes videos, and anything else you need for any of your classes. This afternoon, you will be having work time to complete what needs to be finished today (in this order): Social Studies Performance Assessment. English Character Analysis. Science Creature Feature.

10 When you have finished the MUSTs:
mATRIX MUST FINISH FIRST: Social Studies Finish your performance assessment (due TODAY)! English Work on your character analysis on the Google Doc provided on Schoology (due TODAY)! Science Complete your Creature Feature Research (due TODAY)! Complete your digital product (due TODAY)! Upload your digital product to Padlet (due TODAY)!  When you have finished the MUSTs: Math Work on your homework for the week-three Gizmos on Explore Learning (due SUNDAY). Finish apostrophes work. Keep finding sources about your eminent person and take notes. Digital Portfolio Derivatives Activity on Advisory Finish work from Wednesday, December 12. Show it to a Marlin teacher when finished. Wednesday afternoon-Schola

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