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Bellringer Who wrote The Communist Manifesto?

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1 Bellringer Who wrote The Communist Manifesto?
Who were the bourgeoisie? Who were the proletariat?

2 Chapter 18 Mass Society and Democracy

3 The New Urban Environment
By the end of the 19th century, mass society had emerged, and the concerns of the majority – working class – were important. This change coincided with the growth of cities.

4 The New Urban Environment
B/w 1800 & 1900 the population of London grew from 960,000 to 6,500,000. Urban residents grew from 40% to 80% of the population London

5 The New Urban Environment
Cities grew because of rural migration to urban centers. Lack of jobs in the country and the improvement of living conditions in cities led to this rural migration. Its all about the

6 The New Urban Environment
Following the advice of urban social reformers, city gov’t created boards of health to improve the quality of housing. Medical officers and other officials inspected the buildings for public health hazards.

7 The New Urban Environment
Essential to public health of the modern European city were clean water and proper sewage systems. A system of dams, reservoirs, aqueducts, and tunnels provided the water.

8 Social Structure of Mass Society
Even through the rising standard of living after 1870, great poverty remained. Also, several middle-class groups existed b/w the few rich and many poor.

9 The New Elite A wealthy elite made up 5% of European society
Controlled up to 40% of the wealth The aristocratic and upper middle class members of the elite were gov’t and military leaders. Marriage sometimes served to unite these 2 groups.

10 The Middle Classes The middle class included: Lawyers Doctors
Members of civil service Engineers Scientist

11 The Middle Classes Beneath the solid middle class was a lower middle class: Shopkeepers Secretaries Clerk

12 The Middle Classes The European middle class was identified with certain values, which it preached to others: Hard work – paid off with enough labor Churchgoers – moral way of doing things This gave way to etiquette books such as The Habits of Good Society.

13 The Working Class Made up 80% of European population. Included
Skilled artisans Semi-skilled laborers Unskilled laborers – day laborers & domestic servants

14 Urban Worker Life improved after 1870 due to:
Reforms Rising wages Lower prices Could even afford some leisure activities, and strikes were leading to 10 hour workdays and Saturday afternoons off.

15 The Experiences of Women
In 1800 family roles defined women. Women were legally inferior to and economically dependent on men. The good ole’ days!

16 New Job Opportunities The Second Industrial Revolution opened the door to new jobs for women. Many worked as low-paid, white collar workers. Secretaries Clerks Typists

17 Marriage and Family Throughout the 1800s marriage was the only honorable and available career for most women. However, the birthrate did drop due to better economic conditions and birth control. First birth control clinic opened in Amsterdam in 1882.

18 Marriage and Family Middle-class family fostered the idea of family togetherness. Victorians created the family Christmas. By the 1850s, Fourth of July celebrations in the U.S. had changed from wild celebrations to family picnics.

19 The Movement for Women’s Rights
Modern feminism, the movement for women’s rights, began during the Enlightenment. The movement in the 1800s began with a fight for the right of women to own property.

20 The Movement for Women’s Rights
Women sought access to universities and traditionally male fields of employment. This was shown by the women leaders in various fields as you will see on the next few slides.

21 Amalie Sieveking Entered the medical field by becoming a nurse.
Founded the Female Association for the Care of the Poor and Sick

22 Florence Nightingale & Clara Barton
During the U.S. Civil War they transformed nursing into a profession of trained, middle class “women in white”

23 Emmeline Pankhurst She and her daughters founded the Women’s Social and Political Union. Its members chained themselves to lampposts, pelted politicians with eggs, and smashed windows.

24 Pankhurst and Suffrage
Suffragists – people who wanted the vote extended to all adults – believed in the right of women to full citizenship in the nation-state.

25 Universal Education U.E. was a product of mass society of the late 19th century and early 20th centuries. B/w 1870 and 1914 most Western governments began to set up state-sponsored primary schools. Children 6-12 were required to attend. States trained teachers 1st female colleges were teacher-training institutes.

26 Universal Education POLITICAL
The reason for a commitment to public education was????? INDUSTRIALIZATION The chief motive for education????? POLITICAL

27 Universal Education Extending the right to vote called for a better-educated public. Primary schools instilled patriotism.

28 Universal Education Increased education increased literacy, or the ability to read. (Which is why you can read this!) In countries where there was no universal education (Russia, Serbia for example) 80% could not read. Increased literacy helped spread newspapers.

29 New Forms of Leisure The leisure allowed by the Second Ind. Rev. entertained people and distracted them from the realities of their work lives.

30 New Forms of Leisure Amusement Parks gave people new experiences and showed them new technology. Team sports developed. Public transportation allowed the working class to attend games and other leisure venues.

31 Review 1. Cities grew because of rural migration to ___.
2. Who made up 5% of European cities? 3. What were the job opportunities for women in the Second Industrial Revolution? 4. What was the movement for women’s rights?

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