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Presentation on theme: "DEPARTMENT of AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY and FISHERIES STRATEGIC PLAN"— Presentation transcript:


2 Structure of Presentation
Background Status of the restructuring process DAFF Key Priority Areas Outputs and Targets Budget

3 Background The integration of the three components (agriculture, forestry and fisheries) has now been concluded and the new Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has come to effect from 1st April 2010. Marine and Coastal Management division transfer had encountered some difficulties and all have since been resolved. Proposed DAFF structure has undertaken the consultation process and is in a process of implementation; Emphasis of the new organisational structure is to directly contribute on achieving government’s five key priorities;


5 Vision A leading, dynamic, united, prosperous and
people centered sector

6 Mission Our mission will be achieved through developing and sustaining a sector that contributes and embraces: Economic growth (and development) Job creation Rural development Sustainable use of natural resources Food security

7 Values Drive: driven to deliver excellent service
Attitude: being an ambitious, passionate, reliable and dedicated workforce Fairness: acting with objectivity, empathy, integrity and transparency Focus: focusing on people, economic and rural development

8 Strategic goals and strategic objectives
Goal 1: Increased profitable production of food, fibre and timber products by all categories of producers (subsistence, smallholder and commercial) SO1 To promote efficient production, handling and processing of food, fibre and timber SO2 To coordinate government food security initiative SO3 To improve production systems anchored in commodities with a competitive and comparative advantage in each province SO4 Comprehensive support towards rural development

9 Strategic goals and strategic objectives
Goal 2: Sustainable management of natural resources SO1 To promote environmentally sustainable production systems SO2 To ensure the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources SO3 To ensure protection of indigenous genetic resources SO4 Increase the contribution of greening jobs to improve livelihoods

10 Strategic goals and strategic objectives
Goal 3: Effective national regulatory services and risk management systems SO1 To promote safe food by managing the level of risks associated with food, diseases, pests, natural disasters and trade SO2 To establish and maintain effective early warning and mitigation systems

11 Strategic goals and strategic objectives
Goal 4: A transformed and united sector SO1 To increase equity, ownership and participation of PDI’s SO2 To enhance systems to support effective utilization of assets SO3 To improve social working conditions in the sector SO4 To provide leadership and support to research, training and extension in the sector

12 Strategic goals and strategic objectives
Goal 5: Increased contribution of the sector to economic growth and development SO1 To increase growth, income and sustainable job opportunities in the value chain SO2 To increase the level of public and private investment for in the sector SO3 To increase market access for South Africa and African agricultural, forestry and fish products, domestically and internationally SO4 To increase production of feedstock to support manufacturing sector SO5 To promote the use of feedstock by-products for renewable energies

13 Strategic goals and strategic objectives
Goal 6: Effective and efficient governance SO1 To establish and strengthen cooperative governance and functional relations with local and international stakeholders SO2 To strengthen policy, planning, monitoring, evaluation, reporting and sector information SO3 To provide effective audit, investigative and legal, human resources and financial risk management SO4 To improve departmental service excellence through implementation of quality standards , Batho Pele Principles and general legislative mandate SO5 To provide leadership and manage communication and information

14 KEY OUTCOMES FOR DAFF Comprehensive rural development linked to Land Reform and Food security Speeding up growth and transforming the economy to create decent work and sustainable livelihoods Massive programme to build economic and social infrastructure Sustainable Resource management and use

15 Programmes Corporate services Stakeholders Relations & Legal Services
Chief Financial Officer Food Security, Agrarian & Marine Reform Policy Planning and Monitoring & Evaluation Agriculture Production, Health & Food Safety Marine Fisheries & Coastal Management Economic Development, Trade & Marketing Forestry Production & Resources Management

16 ADMINISTRATION MTEF period, review a variety of legislation relating to agricultural, forestry and fisheries activities as well as state- owned-entities. The rationale is to ensure harmonization; rationalization, re- alignment and improve the functional integration and efficiency for improved management and regulation of the sector. R414 million for Human Resource Development and Management. This will enable the Department to, inter alia: 1) To ensure skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path and to 2) become efficient, effective and development oriented public service that will ensure an empowered and fairly consulted citizenship/clients.

In line with the Presidency’s objective of ensuring service delivery through measurable performance and accountable delivery. Engage provinces and other industry stakeholders to ensure monitoring of expected outcomes on continuous basis The Provinces and the Sector’s partners will then provide operational and implementation guidelines to achieve desired outcomes. The functional activities of production, producer support and technical advisory services should be executed by provinces in partnership with the private sector.

To ensure implementation of the government food security initiative the department aims to improve support mechanisms for food production by subsistence and small holder producers. Develop national extension policies, and provide training and national extension support in support of targeted groups. Main focus will be on continuing the roll-out of the extension recovery plan. The introduction of incubator programmes targeting women, youth and people with disabilities, and the facilitation of partnerships with sector partners in the provision of support services. The implementation of programmes to support the transition of agrarian reform beneficiaries from subsistence to smallholder farmers.

19 Continued... Implement production and agro-processing support measures (especially strengthening the capacity for subsistence and smallholder farmers and medium-sized enterprises and producers) DORA grants as well as the relevant appropriation, are being utilized to ensure vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all.

The programme will promote efficient production, handling and processing of food, fibre and timber. The department will contribute to increased number of commercial farm employees from (currently) to in 2014/15, The number of smallholder farmers will be increased from (currently) to in 2014/15 and Tthe percentage of small farmers producing for sale will also be increased from 4.07% to 10% in 2014/15.

21 CONTINUED... The programme ensures sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources. The envisaged outcomes are increased number of wetlands rehabilitated to 125 in 2014/15 decrease in land affected by soil degradation the rate of deforestation decreased

22 FISHERIES MANAGEMENT The programme aims to promote the equitable and sustainable management and efficient use of marine living resources. A policy framework will be developed and implemented for fishing rights allocations in the commercial sector. A strategy will be put in place for abalone and hake; this will be reviewed continuously in respect of research, management and compliance.

23 DAFF’s Keys Strategic Focus Areas
Develop new Funding Options/Models engage in negotiations with the Land Bank, IDC and Commercial Banks, international donors to establish and implement joint- venture funding models, provide incentives for the establishment of private sectoral micro - financing institutions rural areas Sustainable Use of Natural Resources - develop and implement a strategy for sectoral decent green jobs to ensure food security and sustainable livelihoods in rural, peri- urban and urban areas

24 Strengthening the implementation of human resources development strategies:
- Implement a comprehensive scarce skills development programmes with domestic and international partners in the next 3 – 5 years to target: - agriculture, forestry and fisheries sciences technicians - environmental sciences; - agriculture, forestry and fisheries sciences engineers - microbiologists; - food technologists;

25 Facilitate the development and implementation of sectoral employment generation programmes:
engage organised farmers association and sectoral industries to find job creation initiatives path, Develop a partnership programmes for development of new farmers, Identify and ensure access to new export markets, Intensify a Cooperatives development programme to establish viable and sustainable rural cooperatives that are capable to engage in: disbursement of credit, distribution of agriculture inputs like seeds, fertilisers, agro- chemicals facilitate storage, processing, distribution and marketing ensure access to production implements

26 Implement programmes to create on-farm infrastructure that will contribute to:
productive employment in poor rural areas; development of the rural economy; integration of marginal economic activities into sectoral development zones; expansion of opportunities for production and processing; access to markets and production inputs; attracting other development initiatives to the targeted areas;

27 Expand Exports through enhanced inter-Africa trade and overall increase productivity by:
strengthening capacity through restructured DAFF to negotiate market access; introduce technical assistance programme for special markets to enhance trade with SADC and the rest of Africa; effective utilization of foreign representative to identify markets and facilitate access protocols; establish a committee (social, economic, scientific) to ensure oversight on certification for import and export to safe-guard national interest;

28 Access to affordable Food and Exports expansion
Provide support for increased production on niche markets products that offers competitive advantage; Enhance existing production capacities and bring into production through agrarian reform programmes on the fallow lands; Integration of agrarian reform enterprises to the overall commercial export producers infrastructure; Introduce an export credit guarantee programme for agrarian reform beneficiaries.

29 Implement human resources development programmes for beneficiaries
provide resources for cooperatives establishment and training of cooperatives managers in various entrepreneurial skills; Through pre-settlement support, identify potential farmers (women and youth) through dedicated screening for 3 to 6 months training to equip them with production all relevant marketing, managerial and processing skills; Provide well inducted extension officers and technicians to provide on-farm training for new beneficiaries of agrarian reform programmes

30 2010 schedule for conditional grants to provinces
Vote 25: Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

31 Name of Grant TOTAL 23-Apr-10 23-Jul-10 22-Oct-10 24-Jan-11 R' 000 CASP Eastern Cape 32 000 56 000 16 004 Free State 15 154 26 520 7 578 75 772 Gauteng 8 437 14 765 4 220 42 187 KwaZulu/Natal 27 160 47 531 13 582 Limpopo 28 913 50 598 14 458 Mpumalanga 16 389 28 681 8 196 81 947 Northern Cape 11 655 20 396 5 828 58 275 North West 20 149 35 260 10 076 Western Cape 12 612 22 072 6 308 63 064 86 250

32 Ilima/Letsema Eastern Cape 5 000 20 000 Free State 6 500 26 000
Gauteng 2 500 10 000 KwaZulu/Natal 7 500 30 000 Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape 6 000 24 000 50 000

33 LandCare Eastern Cape 872 3 052 1 745 8 721 Free State 436 1 526 4 360
Gauteng 381 1 335 764 3 815 KwaZulu/Natal Limpopo 818 2 861 1 636 8 176 Mpumalanga 490 1 716 982 4 904 Northern Cape 599 2 098 1 200 5 995 North West 654 2 289 1 308 6 540 Western Cape 327 1 144 655 3 270 5 449 19 073 10 907 54 502

34 Included are these amounts for the Extention Recovery Plan
13 127 22 972 6 564 65 635 4 450 7 788 2 225 22 252 3 240 5 671 1 620 16 202 7 627 13 348 3 814 38 136 12 153 21 268 6 077 60 767 4 622 8 089 2 311 23 112 3 927 6 873 1 964 19 637 4 055 7 096 2 027 20 273 3 748 6 559 1 874 18 740 56 951 99 664 28 475



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