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Wabi Sabi.

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1 Wabi Sabi

2 Wabi-sabi is not found in nature at moments of bloom and lushness, but at moments of inception or subsiding. Wabi-sabi is not about gorgeous flowers, majestic trees, or bold landscapes. Wabi-sabi is about the minor and the hidden, the tentative and the ephemeral things so subtle and evanescent they are invisible to the vulgar eyes. . .

3 Wabi-sabi images force us to contemplate our own mortality, and they evoke an existential loneliness and tender sadness. They also stir mingled bittersweet comfort, since we know all existence shares the same fate." From Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers by Leonard Koren

4 Dorothy Gantenbein Things are either devolving toward, or evolving from, nothingness. Truth comes from the observation of nature. “Greatness” exists in the inconspicuous and overlooked details. Beauty can be coaxed out of ugliness.” The material qualities of wabi-sabi are: “the suggestion of natural process, irregular, intimate, unpretentious, earthy, murky, simple.”

5 “Wabi-sabi is a beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. It is a beauty of things modest and humble. It is a beauty of things unconventional.”

6 Wabi-sabi (侘寂) represents a comprehensive Japanese world view or aesthetic centred on the acceptance of transience. […] The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete”.




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