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Bony cochlear nerve canal atresia in a patient with CND

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1 Bony cochlear nerve canal atresia in a patient with CND
Bony cochlear nerve canal atresia in a patient with CND. A, Axial CT image through the right temporal bone of the same patient shown in Fig 10 demonstrates an atretic canal for the cochlear nerve at the base of the cochlea. Bony cochlear nerve canal atresia in a patient with CND. A, Axial CT image through the right temporal bone of the same patient shown in Fig 10 demonstrates an atretic canal for the cochlear nerve at the base of the cochlea. B, Compare A with the normal-caliber BCNC on the left. B.Y. Huang et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2012;33: ©2012 by American Society of Neuroradiology

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