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Strengthening Procurement Capacities in Developing Countries OECD/DAC – World Bank Roundtable Paris, 22-23 January 2003 Developing Indicators and Monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening Procurement Capacities in Developing Countries OECD/DAC – World Bank Roundtable Paris, 22-23 January 2003 Developing Indicators and Monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening Procurement Capacities in Developing Countries OECD/DAC – World Bank Roundtable Paris, January 2003 Developing Indicators and Monitoring and Evaluation Systems for Public Procurement Session 4: Measuring Progress – Indicators and Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Presented by Jean-Jacques Raoul (Consultant) World Bank

2 Structure of Presentation
Why Measure Performance? How to Measure? Measurement Outcomes Issues to Consider

3 Why is Measuring Performance Important?
What you measure counts Need to monitor outcomes of reforms Ensure that corrective action is taken on time

4 How to Measure? - 1 Use Relevant Performance Indicators for Public Procurement Examples: Prices Use of competition, publicity Time taken to procure Use/abuse of contract amendments Cost overruns Accessibility to New Bidders Complaints

5 How to Measure? - 2 Collect and Analyze Procurement Data
Simple and affordable system Use of Information Technology Collection by procurement entities on permanent basis Analysis by Procurement Oversight or independent entity

6 How to Use Measurement? Review Performance and Take Corrective Actions
Stimulate procuring agencies to develop their own remedies Identify and implement policy improvements Publicize results Use for increased accountability

7 Issues to Consider Existing M&E systems which can be used to draw lessons from experience? How broad in scope should the system be? Should pilots start with a small number of indicators and/or procurement entities? Which performance indicators? Are there other ways to monitor and evaluate public procurement systems, and how can they be taken into account?

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