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Waves Chapter 11 part 2.

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1 Waves Chapter 11 part 2

2 Definition of a Wave A wave is a vibration
That travels from place to place Thus it is two motions each with its own direction The Vibration: a SHM The Propagation; its motion from place to place Together they from a wave

3 Wave Types, by medium A vibration requires something to vibrate,
a “medium” There are two types: Mechanical : the medium has mass, such as… Waves on a slinky, rope, water surface, sound etc. Non-mechanical: such as… Light, an electromagnetic wave and Gravity waves… a wave in space and time itself (Gravity waves were recently detected an are no longer only theoretical!

4 Types by Relative Direction
If the directions of propagation and vibration are perpendicular, it is transverse wave Example: Ocean Wave, Wave on Rope If the directions of propagation and vibration are parallel it is longitudinal wave Example: Sound

5 Parts of a Wave As a wave is a vibration it has the properties of a vibration…plus one more Its wavelength (λ), how far it goes during one cycle of vibration

6 Speed of a wave The speed of a wave is determined by its wavelength and frequency V = fλ

7 Interference What happens when two waves meet
Constructive Waves meet in phase Amplitude increases Destructive Waves meet out of phase Amplitude decreases Perhaps even canceling!

8 Reflected Waves When a Wave reflects at a fixed boundary It becomes inverted When a Wave reflects at a boundary where its is free to move It does not

9 Standing Waves If waves are sent through a medium at the right frequencies Reflected wave interfere with the new waves Constructively and destructively at consistent places Making a “stationary” Or Standing Wave Points of no vibration are called Nodes Points of maximum vibration are called Antinodes

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