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doc.: IEEE g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-09-0114-00-004g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity
<month year> doc.: IEEE g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity July 2011 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks(WPANs) Submission Title: SG4TV Closing Report for San Francisco July 2011 Date Submitted: July 2011 Source: Sangsung Choi, ETRI Contact: Sangsung Choi, ETRI Voice: , Re: SG4TV Closing Report for March 2011 Session Abstract: SG4TV Closing Report for Palm Springs Purpose: Information to WG Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Slide 1 Emmanuel Monnerie, Landis+Gyr

2 July 2011 Main Task This Week Review comments regarding PAR and 5C from other working groups. Revise the PAR and 5C to finalize them for the EC approval with the comments received. Hear presentations. Set up future plan and timeline.

3 SG 4TV Meetings This Week
July 2011 SG 4TV Meetings This Week Mtg Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday AM1 Opening Logistics, Comment Resolution, Revision of PAR & 5C AM2 PM1 Heard presentations on white space issues. Discussed future plan PM2 PM3 Review comments regarding PAR and 5C from other WGs

4 July 2011 SG4TV Closing Report(1) The SG4TV has completed revision of the PAR and 5C documents in response to the comments received From other working groups(802.11, 19, 22) - The comments and responses have been aggregated in: 04tv-comments-and-responses-for-4tv-par-and-5c.ppt - The resulting revised PAR can be found at: 04tv-sg4tv-draft-par.doc The resulting revised 5C can be found at: 04tv-sg4tv-draft-5c.doc .

5 SG4TV Closing Report(2) Two motions were proposed in SG4TV
July 2011 SG4TV Closing Report(2) Two motions were proposed in SG4TV - To approve the proposed comments for Document # tv as the responses to the comments received on its PAR and 5C. Moved by: Ben Rolfe, Second by: Steve Jillings Motion is carried unanimously - Move to approve Document #337r5 as the updated 4TV PAR and Document #338r5 as the updated 4TV 5C. Moved by: Chin Sean Sum, Second by: Pat Kinney WG15 approved the PAR & 5C in Mid-Plenary Meeting .

6 SG4TV Closing Report(3) There are two presentations for the Thursday
July 2011 SG4TV Closing Report(3) There are two presentations for the Thursday PM1 meeting - Doc. #543 to discuss possible PHYs for TG4m for WPAN operation in the TV white space (Mikyung Oh, ETRI) - DoC. #546 titled TV white space issues for m (Soo-Young Chang)

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