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doc.: IEEE g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity

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Presentation on theme: "doc.: IEEE g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity"— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-09-0114-00-004g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity
<month year> doc.: IEEE g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: SG 4TV Closing Report for March 2011 Date Submitted: January, 19, 2011 Source: Sangsung Choi Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI) Voice: , l: Re: SG 4TV Closing Report for March 2011 Session Abstract: SG 4TV Closing Report for March 2011 Purpose: Closing report of SG 4TV. Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Slide 1 Emmanuel Monnerie, Landis+Gyr

2 doc.: IEEE 802.15-09-0114-00-004g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity
<month year> doc.: IEEE g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity SG 4TV(TV White Space Amendment to ) SG 4TV was called to order at AM1 session on Monday 14 March 2011. Heard 2 Call for Application . TV White Space Used for Intelligent Transportation System , Betty Zhou, Huawei (Document ) . Usage Model and System Design Considerations for Low-rate WPAN operating TV White Space, Chin-Sean Sum (NICT) (Document ) Discussed Application for SG4TV Slide 2 Emmanuel Monnerie, Landis+Gyr

3 doc.: IEEE 802.15-09-0114-00-004g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity
<month year> doc.: IEEE g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity SG 4TV(TV White Space Amendment to ) SG 4TV was called to order at PM1 session on Thursday 17 March 2011. Heard 2 Call for Application . TV White Space for Vehicle Application, Betty Zhou, Huawei (Document ) . WPAN Application Operating in TV White Space, Mi-Kyung Oh(Document ) Discuss the next steps and Timeline . Motion to request extension of the SG4TV Moved by: Bin Zhen(Huawei), Second by: Zhou Lan(NICT) Motion is approved unanimous consent . PAR & 5C will be completed by July Meeting . Slide 3 Emmanuel Monnerie, Landis+Gyr

4 doc.: IEEE 802.15-09-0114-00-004g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity
<month year> doc.: IEEE g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity SG 4TV(TV White Space Amendment to ) SG 4TV was called to order at PM1 session on Thursday 17 March 2011. Heard 2 Call for Application . TV White Space for Vehicle Application, Betty Zhou, Huawei (Document ) . WPAN Application Operating in TV White Space, Mi-Kyung Oh(Document ) Discuss the next steps and Timeline . Motion to request extension of the SG4TV Moved by: Bin Zhen(Huawei), Second by: Zhou Lan(NICT) Motion is approved unanimous consent . PAR & 5C will be completed by July Meeting . Emmanuel Monnerie, Landis+Gyr

5 doc.: IEEE 802.15-09-0114-00-004g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity
<month year> doc.: IEEE g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity SG 4TV(TV White Space Amendment to ) SG 4TV was called to order at PM2 session on Thursday 17 March 2011. Heard 2 Call for Contibution(PAR & 5C) . Component of PAR & 5C, Chin-Sean Sum (NICT) (Document ) . Draft for SG 4TV PAR and 5C, Mi-Kyung Oh(Document ) Discussed the process to prepare PAR and 5C . Group produced the preliminary draft on the PAR document . Further discussion will be conducted in the teleconferences Emmanuel Monnerie, Landis+Gyr

6 doc.: IEEE 802.15-09-0114-00-004g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity
<month year> doc.: IEEE g-Trends-in-SUN-capacity WG Motion Motion to the WG to extend the SG 4-TV for four months Moved by: Sangsung Choi (ETRI) Seconded by: Vote: Y: N: A: Emmanuel Monnerie, Landis+Gyr

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