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Scientists use different lines of evidence to support common ancestry.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientists use different lines of evidence to support common ancestry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientists use different lines of evidence to support common ancestry.
Evidence of Evolution Scientists use different lines of evidence to support common ancestry.

2 Fossil Record

3 Definition: The history of life as documented by fossils
Fossil Record Definition: The history of life as documented by fossils

4 How it works It serves as a record for the progression of life through time Not complete but it is enough to safely assume Transitional Forms: show the intermediate states of ancestors



7 Biogeography

8 Biogeography Definition: The study of the distribution of organisms around the world

9 How it works Zoogeographic regions are characterized by the presence of specific groups of animals. The greater the distance the more diverse animals there are Similarities not related are due to coevolution








17 Homologies: Similar characteristics due to relatedness
Molecular Homologies Homologies: Similar characteristics due to relatedness

18 Molecular Homologies Definition: Similarities in the sequence of nitrogen bases or amino acids between different species The more closely related 2 species are the more similarities in their DNA/amino acid sequences

19 How it works DNA technology can indicate that species who look different morphologically are actually closely related. Biologists can calculate how long ago a species branched off by measuring the rate of evolutionary change in DNA sequences


21 Who is most closely related to the bird?
Elephant Dolphin Crocodile Bat AAT CGA CCG ATA GCA ATT CAT CCA GAT

22 Anatomical Homologies

23 Anatomical Homologies
Definition: using similarities in body structure to determine relatedness between species Examples: eyes, pouches, lungs, gills

24 How it works: Homologous structures- structures in different organisms that look similar because they were inherited from a common ancestor Analogous structures- structures that look similar but have different evolutionary origins



27 Analogous Structures



30 Homologous or Analogous?

31 Homologous or Analogous?

32 Homologous or Analogous?

33 Homologous or Analogous?

34 Homologous or Analogous?

35 Homologous or Analogous?

36 Vestigial Structures Structures that are left over from previous ancestors that have no practical use

37 Developmental/ Embryonic Homologies

38 Developmental/Embryonic Homologies
Definition: Studying the similarities of embryological development of living things

39 How it works Some embryos look similar even though adult forms looks different Similarities in embryonic development between different species indicate that they may have evolved from a common ancestor



42 Time to check your embryo identification skills
Guess the Embryo tion/guess-embryo.html

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