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Tapu Ae Year 10 PHED.

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1 Tapu Ae Year 10 PHED

2 History The game of Tapu Ae is an adaptation of Kī o Rahi and was developed sometime before the 1800’s. However it wasn’t formalised until the 1900’s when a slightly modified version of the game re-emerged and was given it’s current name. Tapu Ae is one of many Kī (ball) game variations. Traditionally the Pawero area's on the field were sometimes specially constructed mounds of dirt. Papa Tākaro (playing fields) were therefore highly maintained and valued places for developing physical well being, developing and requiring a range of different skills.

3 The Game… Tapu Ae is an invasion game that combines throwing, catching and running in a dynamic, zone based environment. There are 2 teams and every player on a team plays an intricate role in the attack and defensive strategy of the game (similar to Netball). Game play is very fast moving and requires quick passing and strategic movement of the ball from zone to zone. The skills of Tapu Ae include guarding, passing, catching, cutting, running, sliding, and shooting at a stationary target. The aim of the game is to knock a ball off a cone being defended by the opposing team.


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