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DFH devices, under HL LHC WP06a: Design Status

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1 DFH devices, under HL LHC WP06a: Design Status
Vittorio Parma, for WP06a Technology Department MSC-CMI Section 1st HL-LHC / Uppsala Uni. Collaboration Steering Committee CERN, 1st October 2018

2 DFHX and DFHM From functional specs to conceptual design
Series 4 units Proto/Pre-series/Spare 1 unit From functional specs to conceptual design Design by CERN Collaboration with Uppsala for construction DFHX prototype needed by 1st QTR 2020 for String (under special Swedish funding) DFHX (concepts/views: Y.Leclercq)

3 DFHX conceptual study Strongly integrated system in the UR service gallery: Compatibility with placement of power converters and current leads Optimisation of SC cables lengths (minimise HTS lengths to current leads) Managing the routing of 19 HTS cables to current leads Coping with cryogenic safety (helium release in gallery) Installation sequence to reduce handling of MgB2 cable Considering splitting to 2 smaller units connected with a flexible line: DFHX1: 2x18 kA + 2x13 kA DFHX2: 3x7 kA + 12x2 kA DFHM design will follow, similar to one unit of DFHX: 2x13 kA, 8x600 A To the tunnel DFHx1 2 x 18 kA + 2 x 13 kA DFHx2 : 3 x 7 kA + 12 x 2 kA (integration views: S.Maridor, EN-MME)

4 Conceptual view DFHX1 (concepts: Y.Leclercq/J.Fleiter) ≈ 2.8 m ≈Ø 1.5m
Safety relief devices +18 kA -18 kA +13 kA -13 kA He. Vessel instrum. T-sensors V-taps VV instrum. TS instrum. ≈ 2.8 m Helium vessel fixed point Vacuum bellows rigid fix. ≈Ø 1.5m DN100 relief plate on vacuum volume Helium vessel Vacuum vessel Splices with Peek bi-lateral fixation to pipe Bellows He-VV vessels Safety relief device covering DFHx + SCLink helium volumes Port for pumping interfaces PT Mass flow indiv. controlled Current leads flexible To DFHx2  Current leads flexible Bellows VV vessels DFHx1-SCLink Bellows He vessels DFHx1-SCLink G10 guiding supports Connection to ground to design Connection to ground to design Note: thermal shield not shown (concepts: Y.Leclercq/J.Fleiter)

5 DFHX and DFHM calendar # Milestone Date 1 CDR DFHX Oct. ’18 2 DDR DFHX
Jan.’19 3 FC DFHX/DFHM Mar.’19 4 CA DFHX/DFHM signed with Uppsala >Mar.’19 5 DDR DFHM June ’19 6 Delivery to CERN of DFHX pre-series unit 1st QTR 2020 7 Delivery to CERN of DFHX and DFHM series Legend: CDR: Conceptual Design Review (based on sketches, principles, preliminary calculations) DDR: Detailed Design Review (based on 3D models) FC: Finance Committee CA: Collaboration agreement

6 Thank you!

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