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Who Are You Who Are You.

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Presentation on theme: "Who Are You Who Are You."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Are You Who Are You

2 Who are You How can I ever know or ever see When all my reason has to bow down To my heart, to my faith

3 To my mind You’re only darkness To my heart You’re the light ever shining

4 I’m surrounded by things that tell me You’re just a lie, why even try But my soul is ever longing It somehow knows there must be more

5 Through the years I’ve heard Your whisper Through my doubts I’ve heard You calling- calling me


7 I guess I’ll try one more time To think again, comprehend And when my finite human mind can’t Grasp the rest, I’ll just rest

8 In knowing there’s someone greater And that I’ll never begin to fathom

9 Your mysterious Trinity, or Your Unapproachable Majesty O how can it be? I guess I’ll just rest And know You’ll always be – God


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